Anticatabolic Effect of Branched‐Chain Amino Acid‐Enriched Solutions in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis

Giulio Marchesini, Marco Zoli, Cristina Dondi, Giampaolo Bianchi, Maurizio Cirulli, Emilio Pisi – 1 July 1982 – An amino acid mixture rich in branched‐chain amino acids and poor in aromatic amino acids was infused in six cirrhotics with altered plasma amino acid profile and normal mental state. The effect on muscle protein catabolism, as measured by urinary excretion of 3‐methylhistidine, was assessed during two consecutive 3‐day periods in which patients received the amino acid mixture alone or in a hypertonic dextrose solution.

The pH of Ascitic Fluid in the Diagnosis of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in Alcoholic Cirrhosis

Norman Gitlin, John L. Stauffer, Ronald C. Silvestri – 1 July 1982 – Fifty‐six patients with alcoholic cirrhosis and ascites were studied. The ascitic fluid was analyzed for pH, PO PCO2, glucose, protein, specific gravity, amylase, lactic dehydrogenase, white blood cell count, polymorphonuclear count, and cytology. It was also cultured aerobically and anaerobi‐cally. Simultaneously, arterial blood was analyzed for pH, PO2, and PCO2. Venous blood was analyzed for complete blood count, protein, aspartate transaminase, and it was also cultured under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

Hepatitis A and Non‐A, Non‐B Viral Hepatitis in São Paulo, Brazil: Epidemiological, Clinical, and Laboratory Comparisons in Hospitalized Patients

Raymond S. Koff, Claudio S. Pannuti, Marcelo L. G. Pereira, Bengt G. Hansson, Jules L. Dienstag, V. Amato NETO, Doris C. Wong, Robert H. Purcell – 1 July 1982 – During a 33‐month period, 295 patients with acute viral hepatitis were admitted to a state hospital for civil servants and their dependents in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Seventy‐nine per cent (232) were HBsAg negative. To define the contribution of non‐A, non‐B viral hepatitis to hepatitis morbidity in this population, further serological studies were performed in 147 confirmed HBsAg‐negative patients.

Dane Particle‐Associated Hepatitis B e Antigen in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Hepatitis B e Antibody

Giovanni Raimondo, Serafino Recchia, Carla Lavarini, Osvaldo Crivelli, Mario Rizzetto – 1 July 1982 – A commercial radioimmunoassay was adapted to detect serum Dane particle‐associated HBeAg in patients whose sera contained the homologous antibody. HBeAg was released from Dane particles with guanidine HC1.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Women: Probable Lack of Etiologic Association with Oral Contraceptive Steroids

Zachary D. Goodman, Kamal G. Ishak – 1 July 1982 – To investigate the possibility of an association between oral contraceptive steroids (CS) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), we reviewed 128 cases of HCC in women collected between 1953 and 1980. There were 48 cases under the age of 40, and 13 of these (27%) had used CS. However, 62% of HCC associated with CS and 58% of HCC in women under 40 not using CS were classified histologically as “fibrolamellar” carcinoma. This subtype of HCC occurs predominantly in young people, both male and female.

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