Taurocholate Transport by Rat Liver Sinusoidal Membrane Vesicles: Evidence of Sodium Cotransport

Masayasu Inoue, Rolf Kinne, Thao Tran, Irwin M. Arias – 1 September 1982 – To elucidate the first step in the vectorial transport of bile acids by the liver, plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from rat liver by differential and sucrose‐Ficoll density gradient centrifugation. The membranes were selectively enriched 20‐fold in Na+,K+−ATPase activity, a marker of sinusoidal plasma membranes. Electron microscopy of pellets from sinusoidal membrane fraction did not reveal other organelles.

Histologic Observations in Human Hepatitis Non‐A, Non‐B

Hans P. Dienes, Hans Popper, Wolfgang Arnold, Hartmut Lobeck – 1 September 1982 – Specimens from 57 patients with acute or chronic hepatitis non‐A, non‐B (HNANB), mostly mild to moderate, were studied by light and, in 22 instances, by electron microscopy. They were compared to specimens of hepatitis A and hepatitis B on file or obtained simultaneously with the HNANB cases. In the HNANB material, two types of light‐microscopic lesions were noted in the lobular parenchyma singly or in combination.

Discrepancy Between Ultrasound and Oral Cholecystography in the Assessment of Gallstone Dissolution

Theodore F. Shapero, Irving E. Rosen, Stephanie R. Wilson, Murray M. Fisher – 1 September 1982 – The Sunnybrook Medical Centre Gallstone Study is a randomized, controlled, double‐blind study of chenodeoxycholic acid for dissolution of radiolucent gallstones. Of the first 22 patients whosestones were apparently totally dissolved on oral cholecystography, seven were found to have residual small stone fragments on ultrasound examination of the gallbladder. Continuing chenotherapy was unsuccessful in dissolving these fragments.

Geographic Distribution of HBsAg Carriers in China

R. Palmer BEASLEY, Chia‐Chin Lin, Chia‐Siang Chien, Chien‐Jen Chen, Lu‐Yu Hwang – 1 September 1982 – We tested by radioimmunoassay the sera of 22,707 male Chinese government employees in Taiwan for HBsAg and found 15.2% to be positive. Almost all were confirmed as carriers by follow‐up testing 1 year later. This paper presents HBsAg positivity rates of these men according to the province of China from which they originated, and compares the rates with published provincial mortality rates for primary hepatocellular carcinoma.

Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

John C. Hoefs, Hanna N. Canawati, Francisco L. Sapico, R. Randy Hopkins, John Weiner, John Z. Montgomerie – 1 July 1982 – Forty‐three patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) between 1973 and 1978 were identified. Criteria for SBP included a positive ascites culture and polymorphonuclear cell concentration greater than 250 cells per mm3. Chronic liver disease was documented by varices in 91%, severe histologic fibrosis or cirrhosis in 94%, splenomegaly in 91%, and past hospitalization for liver disease in 57% of the patients.

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