AASLD Leadership Nominations

Welcome to AASLD's Leadership Nominations! Each year, AASLD highlights opportunities for eligible members to engage in leadership roles within the association. Nominations are open until 11:59pm EDT on Sunday, March 9.

2026 AASLD Open Leadership Positions

AASLD seeks diverse nominations for leadership roles including:

  • Councilor, three-year term (Pathway to President)
  • Councilor-at-Large, three-year term (1 opening)
  • Treasurer, three-year term (1 opening)
  • Nominating Committee, two-year term (2 openings)
  • Ethics Committee Chair, three-year term (1 opening)

Peer and self-nominations are accepted. Self-nominations are welcomed encouraged. Terms begin January 1, 2026. 

The deadline to submit an application is 11:59pm EDT on Sunday, March 9. 

AASLD's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

AASLD is committed to creating and supporting a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture within the association and all aspects of the hepatology field. For this year's nomination ballot, we seek to have a diverse pool of candidates in terms of ethnicity, gender, and career level. 

AASLD Submission Site 

AASLD Members can now apply through AASLD's new submission site—please log in to your AASLD membership account to peer or self-nominate. 

Nominating Guidelines

  • All active AASLD Members can participate in the nomination process. 
  • Peer-nominations and self-nominations are accepted. 
  • Both the nominator and the nominee must be AASLD members in good standing.

Member Nominations 

Each member can submit up to three nominations for a leadership position. Please be aware that you will be required to complete a nomination application for each eligible position in the portal. Also, if you are a nominator, AASLD recommends nominating an individual within the first two weeks of the cycle opening to ensure the nominee has adequate time to complete the application. 

Nomination Instructions

Peer Nominations

All Nominations must be submitted online with the following information:

  • The peer-nominator must submit the following information: 
    • Full name of the AASLD member nominee
    • Leadership position for the nominee
    • Nomination statement
  • After the nominator submits the nomination application, the process is complete.  
  • An email will be sent to the nominee from committeeservice@aasld.org with information on accepting or declining the nomination. 
  • If the nominee accepts the nomination, they will be invited to apply. 
  • Once a nominee applies, the process is complete.

The deadline for nominees to complete the application is 11:59pm EDT on March 9.


  • Members who self-nominate may log in to the site and complete their online application. 
  • Include the following information:
    • Full name
    • Contact information 
    • Vacant position in which you are applying 
    • Nominations statement 
    • Statement highlighting competencies and committee service 

The deadline for nominees to complete the application is 11:59pm EDT on March 9.


Application Preparation

Governing Board: Councilor

Councilors serve as members of the Governing Board and manage the affairs of the association, and review, establish, and modify professional scientific business administrative policies within the limits of the Bylaws to further the purposes of AASLD. 


  • Accomplishments in the study or care of liver diseases, in the fields of clinical or basic research.
  • Evidence of commitment to AASLD activities, by presentations at meetings of the Association membership such as postgraduate course faculty, and service on AASLD committees.
  • Evidence of organizational and leadership roles in academic and/or non-academic organizational leadership roles. 
  • Previous Councilors are ineligible for re-election to the Governing Board.
  • Regular members who serve in a leadership capacity for related organizations or are employed full time in the pharmaceutical or biotech industries are ineligible for election to office.
  • No two members of the Governing Board should be from the same institution.
  • The composition of the Governing Board should reflect the diversity of the membership.
  • The Councilor will be on the pathway to AASLD President.

Specific Duties

  • Manages the affairs of the association, and reviews, establishes, and modifies professional scientific business administrative policies within the limits of the Bylaws to further the purposes of AASLD. 
  • Establishes and reviews long-term objectives of the AASLD and determines the priority of all programs and activities. 
  • Approves an annual budget, establishes financial goals for the Association, oversees the financial operations of the Association, and has discretion in the control, management of investments and disbursement of funds. 
Governing Board: Councilor-at-Large                                                                                                                                          

Councilors-at-Large serve as members of the Governing Board with overlapping duties. The Councilor-at-Large serves a three-year term.


  • Accomplishments in the study or care of liver diseases, in the fields of clinical or basic research.
  • Evidence of commitment to AASLD activities, by presentations at meetings of the Association membership and a commitment to service on AASLD committees.
  • Evidence of organizational and leadership roles in academic and/or non-academic organizational leadership roles. 
  • Ideally, the Councilor-at-Large should represent areas within the membership that are currently under-represented.
  • Regular members who serve in a leadership capacity for related organizations or are employed full time in the pharmaceutical or biotech industries are ineligible for election to office.
  • No two members of the Governing Board should be from the same institution.
  • The Councilor-at-Large, Secretary, and Treasurer are eligible for nomination as Councilor after four years off the Governing Board. 

Specific Duties

  • Manages the affairs of the association, and reviews, establishes, and modifies professional scientific business administrative policies within the limits of the Bylaws to further the purposes of AASLD. 
  • Establishes and reviews long-term objectives of the AASLD and determines the priority of all programs and activities. 
  • Approves an annual budget, establishes financial goals for the Association, oversees the financial operations of the Association, and has discretion in the control, management of investments and disbursement of funds. 
Governing Board: Treasurer                                                                                                                                      

The AASLD Treasurer serves as member of the Governing Board. The Treasurer serves a three-year term.


  • Evidence of major administrative and fiscal responsibilities and skills.
  • Accomplishments in the study or care of liver diseases, in the fields of clinical or basic research.
  • Evidence of commitment to AASLD activities, by presentations at meetings of the Association membership such as postgraduate course faculty, and service on AASLD committees.
  • Evidence of organizational and leadership roles in academic and/or non-academic organizational leadership roles.
  • Regular members who serve in a leadership capacity for related organizations or are employed full time in the pharmaceutical or biotech industries are ineligible for election to office.
Nominating Committee                                                                                                                                                                  

The Nominating Committee reviews nominations for leadership positions for the Governing Board and Chair of the Ethics Committee and makes preliminary standing committee appointments. The President-Elect finalizes these appointments and recommends their approval by the Governing Board. Nominating Committee members serve a two-year term. The Chair is the Governing Board Past-President and serves a one-year term. 


  • Accomplishments in the study or care of patients with liver diseases, and in the fields of clinical, basic or health services research.
  • Evidence of commitment to AASLD activities such as presentations at meetings of the Association and a commitment to service on AASLD committees.
  • No two members of the slate for Nominating Committee should be from the same institution.
  • Service on the Nominating Committee should be limited to once every five years. Candidates who appeared on the ballot who were not elected, are eligible for nomination in the next two subsequent years without reapplying. Amended (GB05-20-14-10).
  • Sitting members of the Nominating Committee are ineligible for nomination for any elected leadership position during their term.
  • Regular members who serve in a leadership capacity for related organizations or are employed full time in the pharmaceutical or biotech industries are ineligible for election to office.

Specific Duties

Annually develops a slate of:

  • Three (3) candidates for the Councilor position on the Governing Board.
  • Three (3) candidates for Councilor-at-Large.
  • Ten (10) candidates for the Nominating Committee.

Every three years, develops a slate of three (3) candidates for: 

  • Secretary and/or Treasurer
  • Chair of the Ethics Committee
Chair of Ethics Committee                                                                                                                                                         

The purpose of the committee is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Governing Board in the evaluation of ethical issues relating to the activities of AASLD, and its members acting in the name of AASLD. The Chair of the Ethics is elected by the membership in September. The chair serves a 3-year term.


  • Evidence of commitment to AASLD and protecting the integrity of the organization in dealing with industry and related societies and organizations.
  • Accomplishments in the study or care of liver diseases, in the fields of clinical or basic research.
  • Evidence of commitment to AASLD activities, by presentations at meetings of the Association membership such as postgraduate course faculty, and service on AASLD committees.
  • Evidence of organizational and leadership roles in academic and/or non-academic organizational leadership roles.
  • Regular members who serve in a leadership capacity for related organizations or are employed full time in the pharmaceutical or biotech industries are ineligible for election to office.

After the Nominations Cycle Ends: Next Steps
  1. The slate of candidates will be announced June 2025.
  2. The slate of candidates for the Councilor at Large and Nominating Committee  will go on the AASLD Elections ballot the first week of September for the membership to vote.
  3. Recipients will be notified mid-October and affirmed at The Liver Meeting in November 2025 in Washington, DC.
Do you have additional questions? 

If you have questions about the 2026 Leadership application process, please e-mail committeeservice@aasld.org