Four Generations of Arteriohepatic Dysplasia

Douglas R. Labrecque, Frank A. Mitros, Radha J. Nathan, Ken G. Romanchuk, George F. Judisch, George H. El‐Khoury – 1 July 1982 – Arteriohepatic dysplasia (AHD) is a multisystem disorder which is characterized by liver, heart, eye, and bony abnormalities. A characteristic facies is also present. The etiology is not clear, and some authors have favored an in utero toxin or infection as the cause. Other reports have shown parent‐to‐child transmission suggesting an autosomal dominant form of inheritance.

Noninvasive Measurement of Nutrient Portal Blood Shunting: An Experimental Study with [14C]Ursodeoxyeholie Acid

Bernard Nordlinger, Michel Parquet, Recaredo Infante, Reginald Moreels, Pol Blondiau, Michele Boschat, Michèle Groussard, Claude Huguet – 1 July 1982 – All of the methods proposed for measuring portal blood flow are either invasive, estimate total rather than nutrient flow, and none has proved reliable in cirrhotic patients. A method has been derived from pharmacokinetic principles used for the calculation of bioavailability of drugs according to the route of administration (i.v. or p.o.) and tested experimentally in 20 pigs.

The Spectrum of Hepatic Candidiasis

James H. Lewis, Hasmukh R. Patel, Hyman J. Zimmerman – 1 July 1982 – The liver is affected in up 50 to 75% of compromised hosts with disseminated Candida albicans infection who come to autopsy. The antemortem diagnosis of hepatic candidiasis is rarely made. Blood cultures are negative in approximately 50% of cases, and biochemical parameters of hepatic injury may be of nonspecific value. Additionally, the more commonly seen renal, cardiac, and respiratory involvement may overshadow the hepatic lesion.

Bile Acid‐Dependent Secretion of Alkaline Phosphatase in Rat Bile

David E. Hatoff, William G. M. Hardison – 1 July 1982 – The role of bile acids in the biliary secretion of alkaline phosphatase was studied. Rats with external bile fistulae were drained for 4 hr. After 2 hr, bile acid secretion fell progressively. Alkaline phosphatase secretion also decreased progressively during the period of drainage, suggesting that secretion of the two components was related. Each rat was then given an i.v. infusion of the taurine conjugate of either cholate, chenodeoxycholate, or ursodeoxycholate.

The Perfused Human Liver Wedge Biopsy: A New In Vitro Model for Morphological and Functional Studies

Susan J. Burwen, Albert L. Jones, Ira S. Goldman, Lawrence W. Way, Sussan Dejbakhsh – 1 July 1982 – We developed a simple and inexpensive method of perfusing small specimens of human liver in vitro that maintains short‐term tissue viability as judged by protein transport function and morphological features. The technique allows investigation of liver function at the cellular level in normal specimens and those with hepatobiliary disease.

Polycystic Liver Disease: A Study of Cyst Fluid Constituents

Marcel Patterson, Juan C. Gonzalez‐Vitale, Charles J. Fagan – 1 July 1982 – Cyst fluid from a patient with polycystic liver disease was obtained by needle aspiration using ultrasound guidance. The constituents of the fluid resembled the “bile salt‐independent” fraction of human bile and supports the hypothesis that such cysts are lined by a functioning, secretory bile duct epithelium.

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