Ursodeoxycholic acid vs. chenodeoxycholic acid as cholesterol gallstone‐dissolving agents: A comparative randomized study
Enrico Roda, Franco Bazzoli, Antonio M. Morselli Labate, Giuseppe Mazzella, Aldo Roda, Claudia Sama, Davide Festi, Rita Aldini, Francesco Taroni, Luigi Barbara – 1 November 1982 – Cholesterol gallstones are dissolved in man by chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) and ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). To test the comparative efficacy of these two cholelitholytic bile acids, 223 gallstone patients were randomly treated with either UDCA or CDCA at two different doses: 7 to 8 mg per kg per day and 14 to 15 mg per kg per day.