Abnormal Matrix Recognition By Morris Hepatomas Correlates with Low Glucagon Binding Capacity

Marisabel Mourelle, Javier Cordero‐Hernández, Patricia Ponce‐Noyola, Marcos Rojkind – 1 January 1983 – Liver biomatrix contains a group of connective tissue components needed for attachment, survival, and maintenance of liver‐specific functions of adult rat hepatocytes in culture. An acidic extract of liver biomatrix that contains a group of glycoproteins can replace intact biomatrix in promoting attachment and survival of hepatocytes. However, except for albumin synthesis, liver‐specific functions have not been tested.

Relationship of Pretransplant Hepatobiliary Disease to Bile Duct Damage Occurring in the Liver Allograft

Robert H. , Fennell Jr, Robert H. Shikes, John M. Vierling – 1 January 1983 – Histopathological features of nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis have been described in primary biliary cirrosis, chronic graft‐vs.‐host disease, and chronic rejection of human liver allografts. To determine whether or not susceptibility to injury of interlobular bile ducts was related to the original hepatobiliary disease requiring transplantation, we compared the histopathology of allografts transplanted into two groups of patients.

A morphological study of the liver and gallbladder in hemolysis‐induced gallstone disease in mice

Bruce W. Trotman, Michael B. Bongiovanni, Marc J. Kahn, Seldon E. Bernstein – 1 November 1982 – The nb/nb mouse with a hereditary hemolytic anemia is an animal model of hemolysis‐induced gallstone disease. These anemic mice have hepatomegaly and form calcium bilirubinate gallstones. We undertook this study to: (a) examine the histopathology of the liver and gallbladder in nb/nb mice and (b) assess the influence of hemolysis per se on liver and gallbladder histology by transplanting nb/nb bone marrow into another genotype W/Wv.

Demonstration of albumin receptors onisolated human hepatocytes by light and scanning electron microscopy

Alessandro Trevisan, Fred Gudat, Richard Guggenheim, Gunthild Krey, Ursula Dürmüller, Guido Lüond, Marcel Düggelin, Jonas Landmann, Pietro Tondelli, Leonardo Bianchi – 1 November 1982 – The presence of albumin receptors on the plasma membrane of isolated human hepatocytes was investigated employing albumin‐coupled latex minibeads. Hepatocyte‐latex reaction was visualized by phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy.

The effect of tauroursodeoxycholic acid and taurine supplementation on biliary bile acid composition

Ashok K. Batta, Gerald Salen, Sarah Shefer, G. Steven Tint, Bishambar Dayal – 1 November 1982 – The biliary bile acid conjugation patterns were determined by high‐performance liquid chromatography in five subjects after 6 months of 500 mg per day of free ursodeoxycholic acid feeding. Prior to bile acid therapy, approximately 35% of the biliary bile acids were conjugated with taurine and approximately 65% were glycine conjugated, and ursodeoxycholic acid was either absent or, when present, accounted for less than 5% as the glycine conjugate.

Interferon production by peripheral lymphocytes in HBsAg‐positive liver diseases

Yasuhiro Kato, Hirohito Nakagawa, Kenichi Kobayashi, Nobu Hattori, Kiichi Hatano – 1 November 1982 – Interferon production by lymphocytes was normal in HBsAg carriers with normal liver function tests and normal liver histology, whereas it was significantly decreased in HBsAg‐positive patients with chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis. It is possible that an impaired interferon system is causally related to the development of chronic liver disease in hepatitis B virus infection.

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