1 January 1983
1 January 1983
Richard J. Stockert, Anatol G. Morell – 1 January 1983
Mario Rizzetto – 1 January 1983
Tomoteru Kamimura, Antonio Ponzetto, Ferruccio Bonino, Stephen M. Feinstone, John L. Gerin, Robert H. Purcell – 1 January 1983 – Electron microscopic observations were carried out on five HBsAg carrier chimpanzees infected with delta (δ) agent and two chimpanzees infected with human non‐A, non‐B hepatitis. The cytoplasmic tubular structures, which have been recognized in the liver of chimpanzees infected with human non‐A, non‐B hepatitis, were found also in the liver of HBsAg carrier chimpanzees infected with 5 agent.
Andrew Szilagyi, Sam Lerman, Robert H. Resnick – 1 January 1983
Murray Oratz, Marcus A. Rothschild, Sidney S. Schreiber, Alvin Burks, Joseph Mongelli, Barbara Matarese – 1 January 1983 – Albumin synthesis is stimulated by those amino acids which increase urea synthesis and membrane bound polysome aggregation. Ornithine, an amino acid not incorporated into protein and produced from arginine in the urea cycle, is an albumin‐stimulating amino acid and is the precursor of the polyamines, and we have shown that the polyamine spermine promotes bound polysome aggregation.
Athol J. Ware, Nancy L. Gorder, Lawrence E. Gurian, Clark Douglas, James W. Shorey, Thomas Parker – 1 January 1983 – The value of monitoring the serum activity of SGOT, as well as markers of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis A virus infections, in the patients and staff of two dialysis units has been assessed retrospectively. Sera were checked each month for SGOT and HBsAg on 406 patients and 170 staff members over a 4‐year period. Anti‐HBc, anti‐HBs, and anti‐hepatitis A antibodies were assayed on the stored sera.
M. James Phillips, Chikara Oshio, Mamoru Miyairi, Sumio Watanabe, Charles R. Smith – 1 January 1983
Nathalie Serbource‐Goguel, Michèle Corbic, Serge Erlinger, Geneviève Durand, Jean Agneray, Jeanne Feger – 1 January 1983 – To determine whether the presence of circulating desialylated glycoproteins reflect the existence and/or the severity of liver disease, 73 patients were evaluated with liver biopsies, conventional liver function tests, and the measurement of the degree of desialylation of two glycoproteins ax‐acid glycoprotein (α1‐AGP) and ai‐antitrypsin (α1‐AT).
Mark A. Zern, Prasanta R. Chakraborty, Nelson Ruiz‐Opazo, Sing H. Yap, David A. Shafritz – 1 January 1983 – A rat albumin cDNA probe (pBR alb 149) was developed in order to investigate the molecular mechanisms responsible for changes in hepatic protein synthesis after chronic administration of ethanol to rats. Rats fed a diet for up to 1 year in which 36% of calories were from ethanol, developed fatty livers but not cirrhosis.