Histologic Studies of Severe Delta Agent Infection in Venezuelan Indians

Hans Popper, Swan N. Thung, Michael A. Gerber, Stephen C. Hadler, Mario De Monzon, Antonio Ponzetto, Elias Anzola, Dalia Rivera, Alejandro Mondolfi, Ana Bracho, Donald P. Francis, John L. Gerin, James E. Maynard, Robert H. Purcell – 1 January 1983 – To supplement a detailed epidemiologic study of an outbreak of viral hepatitis in Venezuelan Indians in isolated valleys, apparently resulting from delta agent infection, 10 autopsy specimens were studied histologically and immunocytochemically, and five biopsy specimens were examined.

Diagnostic Effectiveness of Serum Bile Acids in Liver Diseases as Evaluated by Multivariate Statistical Methods

Davide Festi, Antonio Maria Morselli Labate, Aldo Roda, Franco Bazzoli, Roberto Frabboni, Paola Rucci, Francesco Taroni, Rita Aldini, Enrico Roda, Luigi Barbara – 1 January 1983 – The aims of this study were to determine the diagnostic effectiveness of fasting and postprandial serum bile acid determinations in liver diseases, and to compare results with those of conventional liver function tests.

A Prospective Randomized Study of Two Sclerotherapy Techniques for Esophageal Varices

David Westaby, Brian R. D. Macdougall, Walter Melia, Andrew Theodossi, Roger Williams – 1 January 1983 – In a study designed to compare the efficacy and safety of two techniques of injection sclerotherapy, 40 patients (30 with cirrhosis and 10 with portal vein block) were randomly allocated to the sheath or free‐hand technique. Although the former was associated with significantly less bleeding within the first 24 hr of injection (p < 0.05) but more postinjection pain (p < 0.05) and esophageal stricture, there was a trend toward earlier obliteration of varices.

Analysis of Liver Disease, Nuclear HBcAg, Viral Replication, and Hepatitis B Virus DNA in Liver and Serum of HBcAg Vs. Anti‐HBe Positive Carriers of Hepatitis B Virus

Stephanos J. Hadziyannis, Harvey M. Lieberman, Gerassimos G. Karvountzis, David A. Shafritz – 1 January 1983 – Nine HBeAg+ and 24 anti‐HBe+ subjects with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection were studied for HBV DNA in the serum by molecular hybridization, for HBeAg in the liver by immunofluorescence, and for histologic evidence of liver disease.

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