Decreased Albumin and Increased Fibrinogen Secretion by Single Hepatocytes from Rats with Acute Inflammatory Reaction

Dominique Bernuau, Edith Rogier, Gérard Feldmann – 1 January 1983 – During the acute inflammatory reaction (AIR), the plasma concentration of several plasma proteins, including fibrinogen, is increased as a result of enhanced production by the liver. Whether this increased production influences the production of the other plasma proteins at the single hepatocyte level is not known.

Mallory Body Formation Runs Parallel to γ‐Glutamyl Transferase Induction in Hepatocytes of Griseofulvin‐Fed Mice

Junichi Tazawa, Tetsuya Irie, Samuel W. French – 1 January 1983 – To evaluate whether Mallory bodies (MBs) are linked to the induction of the enzyme γ‐glutamyl transferase (GGT), mice were fed 2.5% griseofulvin (GF). The experimental and control mice livers were examined at four time periods, i.e., after 4 months' of GF feeding, 1 month after GF withdrawal and 13 days after GF refeeding, and at sacrifice after 4 months of GF withdrawal. The livers from mice continuously fed GF or control diet for 10 months were also examined.

The Liver in the IgA Secretory Immune System. Dogs, But Not Rats and Rabbits, Are Suitable Models for Human Studies

Dominique L. Delacroix, Gildo Furtado‐Barreira, Bernard De Hemptinne, Jan Goudswaard, Charles Dive, Jean‐Pierre Vaerman – 1 January 1983 – The liver transport of polymeric IgA (plgA) from plasma into bile and the immunohistochemical distribution of secretory component (SC) in the liver were studied in dogs, and compared to those in humans, rats, and rabbits.

Immunoregulatory T Cell Subsets in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection: The Influence of Homosexuality

Fredric G. Regenstein, Stanford T. Roodman, Robert P. Perrillo – 1 January 1983 – The purposes of this study were 2‐fold: (i) To enumerate peripheral immunoregulatory T cell subsets in untreated patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and (ii) to examine the relationship between disturbances in the balance of lymphocyte subsets with liver disease and the presence of homosexuality.

Assessment of Prognostic Factors in Alcoholic Liver Disease: Toward a Global Quantitative Expression of Severity

Hector Orrego, Yedy Israel, Joan E. Blake, Alan Medline – 1 January 1983 – The prognostic significance of a battery of clinical, laboratory, and histological indicators was assessed in relation to mortality risk in a 1‐year study of 253 patients with alcoholic liver disease, of whom 51 died within such time. The relative risk associated with each abnormality was calculated. A number of abnormalities was found to be statistically associated with a higher risk of death.

Idiopathic Hemochromotosis and Alpha‐1‐Antitrypsin Deficiency: Coexistence in a Family with Progressive Liver Disease in the Proband

Suri Anand, Robert R. Schade, Carlos Bendetti, Robert Kelly, Bruce S. Rabin, John Krause, Thomas E. Starzl, Shunzaburo Iwatsuki, David H. Van Thiel – 1 January 1983 – A patient with coexistent hemochromatosis and alpha‐1‐antitrypsin deficiency which led to cirrhosis and death despite adequate therapy for hemochromatosis is reported. Evaluation of the family revealed first degree relatives with iron overload and others with alpha‐1‐antitrypsin deficiency but none with both conditions.

Effect of Immunosuppressive Therapy on HBsAg‐Positive Chronic Active Hepatitis in Relation to Presence or Absence of HBeAg and Anti‐HBe

Evangelista Sagnelli, Felice Piccinino, Giuseppe Manzillo, Francesca M. Felaco, Pietro Filippini, Giuseppe Maio, Giuseppe Pasquale, Crescenzo M. Izzo – 1 January 1983 – Two hundred and four patients with biopsy‐proven HBsAg‐positive chronic active hepatitis were treated for at least 2 years with azathioprine, prednisolone or a combination of both, or were untreated. Prevalences of HBeAg, anti‐HBe, and anti‐HBc were 26, 58, and 100%, respectively.

Immunosuppressive Serum Factors in Viral Hepatitis. II. Further Characterization of Serum Inhibition Factor as an Albumin‐Associated Molecule

Norbert W. Brattig, Gabriele E. Schrempf‐Decker, Christoph W. Brockl, Peter A. Berg – 1 January 1983 – Immunosuppressive factor(s) in sera from patients with acute viral hepatitis B [serum inhibition factor(s) (SIF)] which functioned like an antiactivator of lymphocytes were further characterized and purified. The active moiety could be separated from immunoglobulins and other serum proteins by means of gel filtration, anion exchange, and affinity chromatography. The major SIF activity always copurified with albumin.

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