Hepatic and Ductus Venosus Blood Flows During Fetal Life

Abraham M. Rudolph – 1 January 1983 – The course of the venous circulation in the fetal liver has been studied in fetal lambs by means of the radionuclide‐labeled microsphere technique. About 50% of umbilical venous blood passes through the ductus venosus, while the remainder is distributed to both lobes of the liver. Portal venous blood is largely distributed to the right lobe of the liver, with a small proportion passing through the ductus venosus and none to the left lobe. Because of these flow patterns, oxygen saturation is lower in the right than in the left hepatic vein.

Elevated Circulating Immune Complexes in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Henry C. Bodenheimer, Nicholas F. Larusso, Walter R. Thayer, Colette Charland, Parker J. Staples, Jurgen Ludwig – 1 January 1983 – Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a syndrome of unknown etiology characterized by an association with inflammatory bowel disease in 50% or more cases. Since altered immunity, including circulating immune complexes, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease, we postulated that humoral immune mechanisms might also be important in the development of PSC.

Effect of (+)‐Cyanidanol‐3 in Acute HAV, HBV, and Non‐A, Non‐B Viral Hepatitis

Marcello Piazza, Vincenzo Guadagnino, Ludovico Picciotto, Renato De Mercato, Antonio Chirianni, Raffaele Orlando, Gerard Golden – 1 January 1983 – A double‐blind trial was carried out on 124 randomized patients with acute viral hepatitis, of whom 58 were treated with (+)‐cyanidanol‐3 in a dose of 3 gm per day and 66 with placebo. The treatment was given for 50 days. At 5‐day intervals, SGPT, SGOT, and total serum bilirubin levels were tested.

Effect of Chronic Ethanol Feeding on Hepatic Mitochondria in the Monkey

Samuel W. French, Boris H. Ruebner, Esteban Mezey, Tsunenobu Tamura, Charles H. Halsted – 1 January 1983 – The effect of chronic ethanol feeding on hepatic mitochondrial morphology and histochemically measured succinic dehydrogenase activity was assessed. Five monkeys of the species Macaca radiata received a nutritionally adequate diet containing 50% of the calories as ethanol, while five others were pair‐fed the same diet except that ethanol was isocalorically substituted by carbohydrate.

Evaluation of Liver Iron Content by Computed Tomography: Its Value in the Follow‐Up of Treatment in Patients with Idiopathic Hemochromatosis

Françoise Roudot‐Thoraval, Marc Halphen, Dominique Larde, Martine Galliot, Jean‐Claude Rymer, Frederic Galacteros, Daniel Dhumeaux – 1 January 1983 – The therapeutic management of patients with idiopathic hemochromatosis (IH) implies the evaluation of excess hepatic iron. This work was undertaken to confirm the value of computed tomography for the assessment of liver iron overload in such patients and to evaluate this technique during the course of treatment by phlebotomy.

Ethanol Elimination in Males and Females: Relationship to Menstrual Cycle and Body Composition

Alex W. Marshall, David Kingstone, Margot Boss, Marsha Y. Morgan – 1 January 1983 – Ethanol pharmacokinetics were determined following oral ethanol, 0.5 gm per kg, in nine normal women and 10 normal men, and related to total body water measured by 3H‐water dilution and body fat determined anthropometrically. Ethanol pharmacokinetics were similar in the females throughout the menstrual cycle. No variation was seen in mean peak blood ethanol concentration or elimination rate in the midfollicular (Days 8 to 10) and midluteal (Days 22 to 24) phases.

Non‐A, Non‐B Hepatitis: A Prospective Study of a Hemodialysis Outbreak with Evaluation of a Serologic Marker in Patients and Staff

Gary Gitnick, Steven Weiss, Lacy R. Overby, Chung‐Mei Ling, Ruben Chairez, Khosrow Parsa – 1 January 1983 – An outbreak of non‐A, non‐B hepatitis (NANBH) in a hemodialysis unit was prospectively studied and the clinical, biochemical, and serologic events were correlated with an experimental immunodiffusion assay for serum antigen and antibody. One hundred sixteen subjects (76 dialysis patients and 40 staff members) were studied over an 8‐month period.

Is Intravenous Administration of Branched Chain Amino Acids Effective in the Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy? A Multicenter Study

John Wahren, Jacques Denis, Philippe Desurmont, Ljusk S. Eriksson, Jean‐Marc Escoffier, André P. Gauthier, Lars Hagenfeldt, Henri Michel, Pierre Opolon, Jean‐Claude Paris, Michel Veyrac – 1 January 1983 – The influence of intravenous infusion of branched‐chain amino acids (BCAAs) on brain function in patients with liver cirrhosis and acute hepatic encephalopathy was examined using a double‐blind, randomized study design. Five medical centers in France and Sweden participated, and 50 patients were studied.

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