bolism of the Inhibitory Neurotransmitter γ‐Aminobutyric Acid in a Rabbit Model of Fulminant Hepatic Failure

Peter Ferenci, David Covell, Daniel F. Schafer, Jeanne G. Waggoner, Richard Shrager, E. Anthony Jones – 1 January 1983 – The serum concentration of 7‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) has been found to be elevated by more than an order of magnitude in a rabbit model of acute hepatic failure. A potential mechanism for increased serum GABA levels in liver failure is decreased catabolism of GABA.

Mucin Glycoprotein Content of Human Pigment Gallstones

J. Thomas Lamont, Allen S. Ventola, Bruce W. Trotman, Roger D. Soloway – 1 January 1983 – Mucin glycoproteins, a secretory product of the gallbladder, are thought to contribute to the matrix or nucleus of gallstones. Human black pigment stones originate in the gallbladder and have as their major constituent calcium bilirubinate, as well as inorganic salts and small amounts of cholesterol. The object of this study was to estimate the amount of glycoprotein in black pigment stones and to isolate gallbladder mucin from dissolved stones.

Effect of Euglycemic Insulin Infusion on Plasma Levels of Branched‐Chain Amino Acids in Cirrhosis

Giulio Marchesini, Gabriele Forlani, Marco Zoli, Cristina Dondi, Glampaolo Blanchi, Vlncenzo Bua, Pletro Vannini, Emilio Plsi – 1 January 1983 – To test the hypothesis that hyperinsulinism is responsible for reduced branched‐chain amino acids in cirrhotics, plasma amino acids were sequentially determined in 8 controls and 8 matched cirrhotics during continuous i.v. insulin infusion. An artificial endocrine pancreas which infused glucose was used to sustain euglycemia. Basal plasma insulin levels were high and branched‐chain amino acids were reduced in cirrhotics.

Analysis of Bilirubins in Biological Fluids by Extraction and Thin‐Layer Chromatography of the Intact Tetrapyrroles: Application to Bile of Patients with Gilbert's Syndrome, Hemolysis, or Cholelithiasis

Johan Fevery, Norbert Blanckaert, Pol Leroy, Roger Michiels, Karel P. M. Heirwegh – 1 January 1983 – A method was developed to extract quantitatively the bilirubins from bile, urine, serum, stool, and preparations from liver with a chloroform‐ethanol mixture at pH 1.8 in the presence of ascorbic acid and NaCl.

Randomized Controlled Trial of Quinacrine for the Treatment of HBsAg‐Positive Chronic Hepatitis

Henry C. Bodenheimer, Fenton Schaffner, Salvatore Vernace, Shalom Z. Hirschman, Judith D. Goldberg, Thomas Chalmers – 1 January 1983 – Several drugs which react with DNA decrease hepatitis B viral (HBV) DNA polymerase activity in vitro. Because such an alteration of viral replication, if produced in patients with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)‐positive chronic hepatitis, may lead to elimination of viral infection, we conducted a controlled trial of the use of the intercalating agent, quinacrine hydrochloride, in treatment of HBsAg‐positive chronic hepatitis.

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