Serodiagnosis of Recent Hepatitis B Infection by IgM Class Anti‐HBc
Kurt H. Chau, Martha P. Hargie, Richard H. Decker, Isa K. Mushahwarand, Lacy R. Overby – 1 January 1983 – time sequence, relative reactivity, and persistence of anti‐HBc IgM were assessed in patients with HBsAg‐positive viral hepatitis. A solid‐phase immunoassay was developed using the IgM capture procedure with anti‐m̈ated polystyrene beads. HBcAg was purified from serum Dane particles and used as a probe with 125I‐labeled anti‐HBc IgG. This immunoassay exhibited a pronounced prozoning phenomenon, and relative titers of sera differed widely depending upon the dilution of serum tested.