Are Nuclear Particles Specific for Non‐A, Non‐B Hepatitis?

Rita De Vos, Marie J. Vanstapel, Jan Desmyter, Chris De Wolf‐Peeters, Guy De Groote, Jan Colaert, Jan Mortelmans, Jan De Groote, Johan Fevery, Valeer Desmet – 1 January 1983 – This study reports the findings of an electron microscopic search for so‐called non‐A, non‐B nuclear particles in liver biopsies from patients with mainly chronic or prolonged liver disease and from chimpanzees.

Maintenance Cultures of Kupffer Cells Isolated from Rats of Various Ages: infrastructure, Enzyme Cytochemistry, and Endocytosis

A. De Margreet Leeuw, Adriaan Brouwer, Roel J. Barelds, Dick L. Knook – 1 January 1983 – Sinusoidal liver cells were isolated from the livers of 3‐, 12‐, 30‐, and 36‐month‐old female BN/ BiRij rats by enzymatic digestion. The Kupffer cells in the sinusoidal eel suspensions were purified by centrifugal elutriation and kept in maintenance culture for periods of up to about 3 weeks. The viability and yield of Kupffer cells per gram of body weight did not change with the age of the donor rat.

Diethylstilbestrol‐Induced Jaundice in the Chinese and Armenian Hamster

John E. Coe, Kamal G. Ishak, Mary J. Ross – 1 January 1983 – An unusual and impressive hyperbilirubinemia was induced in Chinese hamsters by administration of diethylstilbestrol (DES). This icterus was dose‐dependent and affected females more severely than males. However, a similar mortality was detected in both sexes. Another hamster, the Armenian hamster, was even more susceptible to the icteric and lethal effects of DES. The hamster model of DES‐induced icterus showed many clinical dissimilarities when compared to the human estrogen‐induced jaundice, simple cholestatic jaundice.

Differential Effects of Oral Contraceptive Steroids on the Metabolism of Benzodiazepines

Rashmi V. Patwardhan, Mack C. Mitchell, Raymond F. Johnson, Steven Schenker – 1 January 1983 – The effects of oral contraceptive steroids (OCS) on the disposition and elimination of lorazepam, oxazepam, and chlordiazepoxide were examined. Lorazepam and oxazepam are metabolized via glucuronidation while chlordiazepoxide is metabolized by oxidation in the liver. The disposition and elimination of lorazepam, oxazepam, and chlordiazepoxide was studied in females not taking OCS and females taking OCS (norethindrone acetate, 1 mg; ethinyl estradiol, 50 m̈g) for 6 months or more.

Changes in IgA Following Varying Degrees of Biliary Obstruction in the Rat

Jeffrey Rank, I. Dodd Wilson – 1 January 1983 – Polymeric IgA is rapidly transported from blood to bile by the rat liver. The effect of varying degrees of biliary obstruction on this transport process was studied. IgA concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay. Serum IgA concentrations increased progressively, and IgA output in bile declined with increasing bile duct obstruction. The decline in bile IgA output was explained by both diminished bile flow and decreased concentrations of IgA in bile. Very little polymeric IgA was present in normal rat serum.

The Amount of Ferritin and Hemosiderin in the Livers of Patients with Iron‐Loading Diseases

Floris M. J. Zuyderhoudt, Jan W. Sindram, Joannes J. M. Marx, George G. A. Jorning, Jacobus Van Gool – 1 January 1983 – Depot iron, ferritin iron, and ferritin protein were measured in 34 liver needle biopsy specimens obtained from patients with primary and secondary iron‐loading diseases.

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