Immunosuppressive Serum Factors in Viral Hepatitis. I. Characterization of Serum Inhibition Factor(s) as Lymphocyte Antiactivator(s)

Norbert W. Brattig, Peter A. Berg – 1 January 1983 – Sera from patients with acute viral hepatitis B were found to inhibit the in vitro proliferation of normal lymphocytes induced by different mitogens and antigens. In addition, an effect on concanavalin A‐induced T suppressor cell activity and pokeweed mitogen‐stimulated IgG and IgM synthesis was demonstrated.

Extrahepatic Biliary Atresia in a Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatto)

Daniel P. Rosenberg, Rachel Morecki, Lance O. Lollini, Joy Glaser, Charles E. Cornelius – 1 January 1983 – Extrahepatic biliary atresia was observed in a 6‐week‐old female rhesus monkey. Jaundice and conjugated hyperbilirubinemia were detected at the age of 6 days and persisted throughout life. At 6 weeks of age, the diagnosis of extrahepatic biliary atresia was established at exploratory laparotomy, and bile duct remnants were biopsied.

Seroimmunologic Classification of Chronic Hepatitis in 57 Children

Michel Odièvre, Giuseppe Maggiore, Jean‐Claude Homberg, Fabrice Saadoun, Anne‐Marié Courouce, Jeannine Yvart, Michelle Hadchouel, Daniel Alagille – 1 January 1983 – A seroimmunologic evaluation of 57 children with chronic hepatitis is presented. Twenty‐one patients had chronic persistent hepatitis and 36 had chronic active hepatitis. Serum samples obtained before treatment were tested for HBsAg, anti‐HBs, anti‐HBc, smooth muscle antibody, and antibody to endoplasmic reticulum.

Early Morphologic and Enzymatic Changes in Livers of Rats Treated with Chenodeoxycholic and Ursodeoxycholic Acids

Sarah Shefer, F. George Zaki, Gerald Salen – 1 January 1983 – The effect of high doses of chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acids on hepatic morphology and on cholesterol and hile acid metabolism was examined in the rat. After 2 weeks of either cheno or ursodeoxycholic acid feeding, the livers of the treated rats revealed marked proliferation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum which appeared as an adaptation phenomenon of the microsomal enzyme system in response to bile acid intake.

Gallbladder Glycoprotein Secretion in Mice with Hemolytic Anemia and Pigment Gallstones

J.Thomas LaMont, Bradley S. Turner, Seldon E. Bernstein, Bruce W. Trotman – 1 January 1983 – The nb/nb mouse with hereditary hemolytic anemia provides an animal model for the study of pigment gallstone disease. We measured glycoprotein synthesis and secretion in gallbladder neck and fundus of 6‐month‐old mice without stones, and in 12‐month‐old mice with and without stones in order to determine the effect of age and presence or absence of stones on mucin release.

Efficacy of Hepatitis B Immune Globulin for Prevention of Perinatal Transmission of the Hepatitis B Virus Carrier State: Final Report of a Randomized Double‐Blind, Placebo‐Controlled Trial

R. Palmer Beasley, Lu‐Yu Hwang, Cladd E. Stevens, Chia‐Chin Lin, Fon‐Jou Hsieh, Kwei‐Yu Wang, Tsu‐Shen Sun, Wolf Szmuness – 1 January 1983 – A randomized double‐blind, placebo‐controlled efficacy trial of hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) for prevention of the mother‐to‐infant transmitted HBsAg carrier state was conducted in Taiwan where the carrier rate in the general population is 15 to 20%. HBIG was given immediately after birth to infants of e antigen positive HBsAg carrier mothers, and all infants were followed for at least 15 months.

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