The sunnybrook gallstone study: A double‐blind controlled trial of chenodeoxycholic acid for gallstone dissolution
Murray M. Fisher, Eve A. Roberts, Irvine E. Rosen, Theodore F. Shapero, Lloyd R. Sutherland, Robert S. Davies, Raymond Bacchus, S. Victor Lee – 1 January 1985 – The Sunnybrook Gallstone Study was a randomized, double‐blind, controlled trial of chenodeoxycholic acid treatment over 2 years in 160 patients with radiolucent gallstones. Sixty‐four patients received 750 mg daily, 53 received 375 mg daily and 43 received placebo. Total dissolution of gallstones occurred in 10.9% of patients on 750 mg daily, 13.2% of those on 375 mg daily and in no patient on placebo. The drug was tolerated well.