Close Association Between Basal Cell Layer Antibodies and Hepatitis B Virus‐Associated Chronic Delta Infection
Daniela Zauli, Marco Fusconi, Cristina Crespi, Francesco B. Bianchi, Antonio Craxi, Emilio Pisi – 1 November 1984 – Antibodies reacting in immunofluorescence with the basal cell layer of rat forestomach (BCLA) have been detected in 36 of 121 (30%) hepatitis B virus (HBV)‐mediated chronic liver disease (CLD), in 1 of 30 (3%) HBV‐negative CLD, in 3 of 36 (8%) alcoholic liver disease (with no correlation with serum HBV markers), in 1 of 25 (4%) primary biliary cirrhosis, in none of 19 HBV‐related HBsAg‐negative CLD and 60 healthy blood donors.