Close Association Between Basal Cell Layer Antibodies and Hepatitis B Virus‐Associated Chronic Delta Infection

Daniela Zauli, Marco Fusconi, Cristina Crespi, Francesco B. Bianchi, Antonio Craxi, Emilio Pisi – 1 November 1984 – Antibodies reacting in immunofluorescence with the basal cell layer of rat forestomach (BCLA) have been detected in 36 of 121 (30%) hepatitis B virus (HBV)‐mediated chronic liver disease (CLD), in 1 of 30 (3%) HBV‐negative CLD, in 3 of 36 (8%) alcoholic liver disease (with no correlation with serum HBV markers), in 1 of 25 (4%) primary biliary cirrhosis, in none of 19 HBV‐related HBsAg‐negative CLD and 60 healthy blood donors.

Detection of Anti‐HBc IgM Following Prednisone Treatment in Patients with Chronic Active Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Marek J. Nowicki, Myron J. Tong, Prem V. Nair, Douglas Stevenson – 1 November 1984 – The effect of a short course of prednisone therapy on serum IgM type antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen (anti‐HBc IgM) was studied in 14 male patients with chronic active type B hepatitis. Eleven patients (78.5%) became positive for serum anti‐HBc IgM either during or shortly after prednisone withdrawal. Detection of anti‐HBc IgM correlated with an increase in hepatitis B virus specific DNA‐polymerase activity and was followed by a rise in serum transaminase levels.

Liver Orcein Stain and Viral DNA in Duck Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Chinese Ducks and Experimentally Infected Japanese Ducklings

Junko Mori, Masao Omata, Osamu Yokosuka, Fumio Imazeki, Yoshimi Ito, Katsuo Uchiumi, Yasuhisa Matsuyama, Ye Weifa, Kunio Okuda – 1 November 1984 – Liver sections were stained with orcein, and duck hepatitis B virus was identified in sera and livers by the hybridization technique in 106 ducks (44 Chinese ducks, 15 Japanese ducks and 47 Japanese ducklings). Orcein‐positive hepatocytes were found in 18 of 38 (47%) duck hepatitis B virus DNA seropositive ducks, and only in 3 of 68 (4%) seronegative ducks. The three ducks were all from a heavily infected flock in southern China.

Clinical Significance of Enhanced Detection of HBsAg by a Monoclonal Radioimmunoassay

Edna Ben‐Porath, Jack Wands, Mignon Gruia, Kurt Isselbacher – 1 November 1984 – We assessed the significance of the enhanced detection by monoclonal radioimmunoassay (M‐RIA) of HBsAg in serum of patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. In acute HBV infection, the M‐RIA detected HBsAg in the blood for a far longer period of time than previously recognized. In some patients, the “window phase” of HBV infection (defined as the presence of anti‐HBc and the lack of detectable HBsAg and anti‐HBs) was shortened or completely eliminated.

Chronic Advanced Liver Disease and Impotence: Cause and Effect?

Christine M. Cornely, Robert R. Schade, David H. Van Thiel, Judith S. Gavaler – 1 November 1984 – The prevalence of impotence is increased in males who chronically abuse alcohol. Further, impotence may occur in the absence of liver disease in such men. In contrast, no data is available concerning the prevalence of impotence in nonalcoholic men with advanced liver disease.

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