1 January 1985
1 January 1985
Richard J. Grand – 1 January 1985
A. Kirn, R. Gideon Shaw, Alice R. Johnson, Werner W. Schulz, Rainer N. Zahlten, Burton Combes – 1 January 1985
Alan C. Paterson, Michael C. Kew, Allen A. B. Herman, Pieter J. Becker, John Hodkinson, Charles Isaacson – 1 January 1985 – Hepatocellular carcinoma has a lower prevalence and presents at a later age in urban Blacks than in rural Blacks. These differences have previously been shown not to be attributable to differences in serum hepatitis B virus markers.
Michael R. Galambos, Delwood C. Collins, John T. Galambos – 1 January 1985 – Recent studies suggest that the serum level of Type III procollagen (PC‐III) could be a valuable, noninvasive monitor of hepatic fibrogenesis. We have developed a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay for PC‐III procollagen isolated and purified from fetal goat skin which shows high cross‐reaction for human PC‐III. In a double‐blind study, serum samples taken from 8 normal volunteers and 50 patients at the time of liver biopsy were assayed for PC‐III.
Kim Krogsgaard, Peter Kryger, Jan Aldershvile, Poul Andersson, Christian Brechot, The Copenhagen Hepatitis Acuta Programme – 1 January 1985 – Sera from 77 consecutive patients with acute type B hepatitis were examined for hepatitis B virus DNA (HBV DNA) by a spot hybridization method. The median follow‐up time was 8 months (range, 1 week to 3 years). HBV DNA was detected in 26 (34%) patients on admission to the hospital. A significant positive correlation was found between short duration of symptoms and the presence of HBV DNA (p < 0.025).
Chaur‐Young Yang, Yun‐Fan Liaw, Chia‐Ming Chu, I‐Shyan Sheen – 1 January 1985 – In order to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of ascitic pH and lactate for early confirmation of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), 109 consecutive patients with ascites were studied.
Anna Mae Diehl, John K. Boitnott, H. Franklin Herlong, James J. Potter, Mary Ann Van Duyn, Elizabeth Chandler, Esteban Mezey – 1 January 1985 – A controlled randomized study was performed in 15 patients with biopsy‐proven alcoholic hepatitis to determine the effect of the administration of a parenteral amino acid‐glucose solution for 1 month on nutritional, clinical, biochemical and histological parameters. All patients were allowed ad libitum consumption of a hospital diet. Five patients received the amino acid‐glucose solution, while 10 received the glucose solution without amino acids.
Peter S. Richards, Thomas M. Saba – 1 January 1985 – The phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial system (RES) in the liver is important in host resistance to shock. Fibronectin is a large molecular weight glycoprotein which influences particulate uptake by phagocytic cells. This study addressed the effect of repeated low‐dose endotoxin challenge on immunoreactive fibronectin and reticuloendothelial phagocytic function in rats. Intravenous Escherichia coli endotoxin increased circulating immunoreactive fibronectin by 100% within 24 hr; normalization was within 96 hr.
Giuseppe Maggiore, Michelle Hadchouel, Fausto Sessa, Maria Vinci, Antonio Craxi, Maria D. Marzani, Constantino De Giacomo, Daniel Alagille – 1 January 1985 – The prevalence of intrahepatic delta antigen and/or anti‐delta antibody was retrospectively investigated in 102 children with chronic HBsAg‐positive hepatitis who were seen consecutively in three medical institutions between 1974 and 1982. Delta infection markers were found in 13 patients (12.7%) who exhibited high serum titers of anti‐delta antibody; intrahepatic delta antigen was detected in ten.