Abstracts of The Annual Meeting
1 September 1985
D. Montgomery Bissell – 1 September 1985
Marcello Piazza, Guglielmo Borgia, Jane Crowell, Salvatore Nappa, Alberto Lambiase, Daniel Perrissoud, Werner Schreil – 1 September 1985 – We report a morphometric study on the effect of 3‐palmitoyl‐(+)‐catechin on phagocytic activity of latex particles by Kupffer cells in guinea pig liver. We found an increase in the density of latex particles in Kupffer cells of animals treated with 3‐palmitoyl‐(+)‐catechin. The volume and density of Kupffer cells of treated animals increased (p < 0.01); there was no significant difference in surface density of the plasma membrane.
Stephen J. Lanspa, Albert T. H. Chan, J. Sumner Bell, Vay Liang W. Go, E. Rolland Dickson, Eugene P. Dimagno – 1 September 1985 – To investigate the pathophysiology of steatorrhea in primary biliary cirrhosis, the severity of steatorrhea, small bowel histology and function, cholestasis, exocrine pancreatic secretion and liver histology were studied. Twenty‐four primary biliary cirrhotic patients had a quantitative stool fat collection, serum bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase and liver biopsies.
Ghanshyam Lohiya, Hubert Pirkle, John Hoefs, Sunita Lohiya, Vinh Trong Ngo – 1 September 1985 – In a Californian institution for the mentally retarded, surveillance by autopsy of all deaths (n = 138) identified three cases of hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatocellular carcinoma cases occurred in young (mean age = 26 years) male carriers of HBsAg and were not associated with cirrhosis. They were of the nonfibrolamellar oncocytic type and were rapidly fatal. Hepatocellular carcinoma incidence in HBsAg carriers was estimated to be 246 times greater than United States males.
Kim Krogsgaard, Jan Aldershvile, Peter Kryger, Poul Andersson, Jens Ole Nielsen, Bengt Göran Hansson, The Copenhagen Hepatitis Acuta Programme – 1 September 1985 – The presence of hepatitis B virus DNA in serum was determined in 57 unselected patients during the course from acute to chronic hepatitis B infection. Forty‐six (81%) patients were hepatitis B virus DNA‐positive in the first available serum sample. Generally, hepatitis B virus DNA was cleared before or at the same time as HBeAg, but in two patients (4%), hepatitis B virus DNA could be demonstrated after HBeAg clearance.
Dietrich Keppler, Wolfgang Hagmann, Stephan Rapp, Claudio Denzlinger, Herbert K. Koch – 1 September 1985
Agesilao D‐Arienzo, Gabriella Ambrogio, Pasqualina Di Siervi, Enzo Perna, Giovanni Squame, Gabriele Mazzacca – 1 September 1985 – The effect of metoclopramide and domperidone, two dopamine antagonists, administered to cirrhotic patients with ascites and secondary hyperaldosteronism, was examined to evaluate the changes in plasma aldosterone levels and in spironolactone‐induced diuresis.
Bruce R. Bacon, Chanho H. Park, Gary M. Brittenham, Rosemary O‐Neill, Anthony S. Tavill – 1 September 1985 – We examined the effects of chronic dietary iron overload on hepatic mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. Experimental iron overload was produced by feeding rats a chow diet supplemented with carbonyl iron over a 7‐week period. Biochemical and histologic evaluations of liver tissue confirmed moderate degrees of hepatic parenchymal iron overload.