Improved survival following injection sclerotherapy for esophageal varices: Final analysis of a controlled trial

David Westaby, Brian R. D. Macdougall, Roger Williams – 1 September 1985 – Long‐term follow‐up (median: 37 months; range: 19 to 68) of the 116 patients (56 sclerotherapy, 60 control group) entered into a controlled trial of endoscopic variceal sclerotherapy has shown a total of 18 deaths in the sclerotherapy group, including five from variceal bleeding compared with 32 deaths in the control group (p < 0.01), of which 25 were from variceal hemorrhage (p < 0.001). Survival as assessed by cumulative life analysis was significantly better in those treated by sclerotherapy (p < 0.001).

Measurement of fibrosis in needle liver biopsies: Evaluation of a colorimetric method

Wladimiro Jimenez, Albert Parés, Joan Caballería, Daniel Heredia, Meguel Bruguera, Miguel Torres, Marcos Rojkind, Joan Rodés – 1 September 1985 – Collagen content was measured in 38 needle liver biopsies (8 steatosis, 8 chronic hepatitis, 7 fibrosis and 15 cirrhosis) by a new colorimetric method based on the selective capacity of Sirius red and Fast green to bind to collagen and noncollagenous proteins, respectively. The values were compared with those obtained after determination of the degree of fibrosis by morphometry in the same tissue.

Sequestered tracer outflow recovery in multiple indicator dilution experiments

Carl A. Goresky, Glen G. Bach, Allan W. Wolkoff, Colin P. Rose, Daniel Cousineau – 1 September 1985 – The rapid, single injection, multiple indicator dilution technique has been, with suitable modeling of hepatic venous outflow curves, the standard approach for quantitative kinetic assessment of tracer cell entry and intracellular sequestration in the steady state, both in the in situ and the isolated perfused liver.

Analysis of DNA polymerase reaction products for detecting hepatitis B virus in serum—comparison with spot hybridization technique

Fumio Imazeki, Masao Omata, Osamu Yokosuka, Yasuhisa Matsuyama, Yoshimi Ito, Kunio Okuda – 1 September 1985 – An assay for DNA polymerase reaction products using slab gel electrophoresis and autoradiography was compared with the spot hybridization technique for the detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in 317 blood samples. The former could identify the nature and size of DNA on electrophoresis, and reduce potentially false‐positive results due to artifacts.

Prognostic value of thyroid hormone levels in patients evaluated for liver transplantation

David H. Van Thiel, Mahendra Udani, Robert R. Schade, Agit Sanghvi, Thomas E. Starzl – 1 September 1985 – The thyroid hormones T4, T3, rT3 and TSH were assayed in 134 adult patients evaluated and accepted as potential liver transplant candidates at the Universty of Pittsburgh from March, 1981 to December, 1983. The subsequent course of these patients was evaluated with respect to the levels of these hormones obtained at the time of acceptance for transplantation.

Reduced transport of bilirubin and asialoorosomucoid in regenerating rat liver is a microtubule‐independent event

Yacov R. Stollman, Lorenz Theilmann, Richard J. Stockert, Allan W. Wolkoff – 1 September 1985 – In previous studies, we found that uptake of bilirubin and asialoorosomucoid is depressed in regenerating rat liver. To determine what role the hepatic cytoskeleton plays in this modulation of uptake, animals were treated with colchicine, an inhibitor of microtubular polymerization. Normal unoperated rats or rats following two‐thirds hepatectomy or sham surgery were injected with colchicine, lumicolchicine (50 μg per 100 gm of body weight, i.p.) or normal saline.

Cell‐mediated cytotoxicity of sensitized spleen cells against target liver cells—in vivo and in vitro study with a mouse model of experimental autoimmune hepatitis

Teruo Mori, Yoshio Mori, Hiromichi Yoshida, Shiro Ueda, Makoto Ogawa, Kenji Iesato, Yoko Wakashin, Masafumi Wakashin, Kunio Okuda – 1 September 1985 – Spleen cells obtained from C57BL/6 (B6) mice with an experimental autoimmune hepatitis were transferred to normal C57BL/6 recipient mice. Most prominent liver damages occurred in the recipient mice injected with sensitized nylon wool column‐adherent spleen cells from the donor mice.

Production of two distinct and independent hepatic immunoregulatory molecules by the perfused rat liver

Francis V. Chisari, Mary Nakamura, David R. Milich, Keith Han, Daniel Molden, Geert G. Leroux‐Roels – 1 September 1985 – By manipulating dietary sugar intake and perfusate glucose concentration, we have identified two independent hepatic immunoregulatory molecules produced by the perfused rat liver. The first is released by injured hepatocytes, appears in perfusates together with hepatocellular glutamic pyruvic transaminase, is quantitatively inhibited by exogenous L‐arginine and coelutes with arginase on high‐pressure liquid chromatography.

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