The intrahepatic biliary epithelium in the guinea pig: Is hepatic artery blood flow essential in maintaining its function and structure?

Nicola Tavoloni, Fenton Schaffner – 1 July 1985 – To determine whether hepatic artery blood flow is essential in maintaining the function and structure of bile ductules/ducts, the acute effects of hepatic artery ligation on bile secretion and hepatic ultrastructure were examined in anesthetized, bile duct‐cannulated guinea pigs.

Increased serum levels of hyaluronate in liver disease

Anna Engström‐Laurent, Lars Lööf, Anders Nyberg, Torbjörn Schröder – 1 July 1985 – Recent animal studies show that endothelial cells in liver sinusoids are the main site for removal of sodium hyaluronate from the circulation. Few data with respect to hyaluronate metabolism are available in man. Serum hyaluronate levels were measured in 119 patients with liver disease by a sensitive assay. The hyaluronate level was significantly increased in liver cirrhosis, in comparison with healthy controls and with patients with noncirrhotic liver disease.

Effect of chronic ethanol administration on enzyme and lipid properties of liver plasma membranes in long and short sleep mice

Thomas Zysset, Mark A. Polokoff, Francis R. Simon – 1 July 1985 – Mechanisms of alcoholic liver disease are still ill defined. We evaluated in two outbred lines of mice whether chronic ingestion of ethanol alters the lipid composition and/or enzyme activity of liver plasma membranes. Two mouse lines with different sensitivities towards the hypnotic effect of ethanol, designated long sleep and short sleep, were fed a liquid diet containing ethanol for 30 days. Ethanol intake reached 30 gm per kg per day in both lines, and serum ethanol levels were similar.

A carrier‐protein receptor is not a prerequisite for avid hepatic elimination of highly bound compounds: A study of propranolol elimination by the isolated perfused rat liver

D. Brian Jones, Michael S. Ching, Richard A. Smallwood, Denis J. Morgan – 1 July 1985 – The highly efficient hepatic extraction of propranolol by the isolated perfused rat liver does not diminish when albumin binding is increased from 30 to 75%. One possible explanation of this insensitivity of propranolol uptake to changes in albumin binding is the mediation of uptake of bound ligand by an albumin receptor on the hepatocyte as postulated for oleate, taurocholic acid and rose bengal.

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