Acetaminophen‐induced fulminant hepatic failure in Dogs
L. Ortega, J. I. Landa Garcia, A. Torres Garcia, G. Silecchia, J. Arenas, A. Suarez, M. Moreno Azcoitia, J. Sanz Esponera, E. Moreno Gonzalez, J. L. Balibrea Cantero – 1 July 1985 – Results concerning morphological and biochemical changes following intravenous administration of different doses of acetaminophen in dogs are reported. Acetaminophen infusion, as a parenteral solution (500 mg per kg per 90 min), produced fulminant hepatitis characterized by a good correlation between Portmann's grade of lesion and percentage of necrosis. All animals died within 76 hr after intoxication.