Natural killer activity of human liver‐derived lymphocytes in various liver diseases

Kensaku Hata, David H. van Thiel, Ronald B. Herberman, Theresa L. Whiteside – 1 September 1991 – Liver‐derived lymphocytes were isolated from 40 human livers with end‐stage liver disease that were removed at the time of orthotopic liver transplantation. In addition, 10 resection specimens or whole livers removed from patients with liver cancer and seven normal livers (unused donor organs) were studied as controls. Liver‐derived lymphocytes were isolated from enzymatically digested tissue by gradient centrifugation and adherence to plastic.

Quantitative evaluation of parenchymal liver cell volume and total hepatocyte number in cirrhotic patients

Hiroshi Imamura, Seiji Kawasaki, Junji Shiga, Yasutsugu Bandai, Kensho Sanjo, Yasuo Idezuki – 1 September 1991 – A simple morphometrical method was developed using a color image analyzing system, which allowed quantitative evaluation of parenchymal liver cell volume and total hepatocyte number in cirrhotic patients. With this method, we estimated these values in 29 cirrhotic patients who underwent hepatic resection (nine cases) or nonshunting operation (20 cases).

Effect of insulin and plasma amino acid concentration on leucine metabolism in cirrhosis

Alexander S. Petrides, Livio Luzi, Adrian Reuben, Caroline Riely, Ralph A. Defronzo – 1 September 1991 – Clinically stable patients with cirrhosis demonstrate insulin resistance with regard to glucose metabolism. However, much less is known about the two major factors, insulin and plasma amino acid concentration, that regulate protein metabolism in cirrhotic patients. To examine this question, we performed paired euglycemic insulin clamp studies in combination with 14Cleucine and indirect calorimetry.

An in situ hybridization, molecular biological and immunohistochemical study of hepatitis delta virus in woodchucks

Spyros Dourakis, Peter Karayiannis, Robert Goldin, Michael Taylor, John Monjardino, Howard C. Thomas – 1 September 1991 – The presence of hepatitis delta virus genomic RNA and hepatitis delta antigen was investigated in woodchuck liver and extrahepatic tissues by in situ hybridization using synthetic radiolabeled probes, Northern‐blot analysis and immunohistochemical staining for hepatitis delta antigen. Hepatitis D virus RNA and hepatitis delta antigen were detected in the nuclei of infected hepatocytes but in none of the other tissues examined.

Sodium retention and hepatic function after two‐thirds hepatectomy in the rat

Toshiyuki Ohno, Ramzi Sabra, Robert A. Branch – 1 September 1991 – Recently it was suggested that the onset of sodium retention in experimental cirrhosis in rats is related to a critical threshold of hepatic function, as assessed by the aminopyrine breath test. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether sodium retention occurred after two‐thirds hepatectomy in rats and to investigate the relationship between sodium retention and changes in hepatic function associated with liver regeneration in this model.

Histological and morphometrical indicators for a biopsy diagnosis of well‐differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma

Yoshinobu Nagato, Fukuo Kondo, Yoichiro Kondo, Masaaki Ebara, Masao Ohto – 1 September 1991 – Among 597 patients with nodular hepatic lesions who underwent ultrasonically guided needle biopsy, 305 were histologically confirmed as having hepatocellular carcinoma, and 37 patients had borderline lesions.

Distribution of dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (E2) in the liver and portal lymph nodes of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis: An immunohistochemical study

Ruth Joplin, J. Gordon Lindsay, Stefan G. Hubscher, Gerald D. Johnson, Jean C. Shaw, Alastair J. Strain, James M. Neuberger – 1 September 1991 – The reason for the close association between primary biliary cirrhosis and the appearance of antibodies that recognize the E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is not understood.

Thymosin treatment of chronic hepatitis B: A placebo‐controlled pilot trial

Milton G. Mutchnick, Henry D. Appelman, H. T. Chung, Emma Aragona, Tej P. Gupta, Glen D. Cummings, Jeanne G. Waggoner, Jay H. Hoofnagle, David A. Shafritz – 1 September 1991 – Chronic hepatitis B is a severe and frequently progressive disease. We assessed the safety and efficacy of thymosin fraction 5 and thymosin‐α1 in a prospective, placebo‐controlled trial in 12 patients with chronic hepatitis B. All patients had histological and biochemical evidence of active liver disease for at least 6 mo before treatment and were positive for serum hepatitis B virus DNA and HBsAg.

Accurate prediction of death by serial determination of galactose elimination capacity in primary biliary cirrhosis: A comparison with the mayo model

Jürg Reichen, Thomas Widmer, Jacques Cotting – 1 September 1991 – We retrospectively analyzed the predictive accuracy of serial determinations of galactose elimination capacity in 61 patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Death was predicted from the time that the regression line describing the decline in galactose elimination capacity vs. time intersected a value of 4 mg · min−1 · kg−1. Thirty‐one patients exhibited decreasing galactose elimination capacity; in 11 patients it remained stable and in 19 patients only one value was available.

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