Serum and bile secretory immunoglobulins and secretory component during the early postoperative course after liver transplantation

Solange Bresson‐Hadni, Mireille Rossel, Estelle Seilles, Dominique‐Angéle Vuitton, Khadija Guennoune, Bernard Hory, Jean‐Philippe Miguet, Michel Gillet, Claude Vincent, Jean‐Pierre Revillard – 1 December 1991 – Secretory component was assayed in serum and bile from 34 patients within 40 days after a first or a second (three cases) liver transplantation.

A scanning electron microscopic study of postnatal development of rat peribiliary plexus

Joji Haratake, Masanori Hisaoka, Akiko Furuta, Akio Horie, Osamu Yamamoto – 1 December 1991 – Hepatic microcirculation in the developing stages is not fully clarified. This study aimed at clarifying the development of hepatic microcirculation, especially peribiliary vascular plexuses, in neonatal rats by corrosion cast procedures and scanning electron microscopy. Peribiliary vascular plexuses of large bile ducts at the hilus of 1‐day‐old rats showed a simple capillary network that directly poured into the portal vein.

Iron and uroporphyrin in hepatocytes of inbred mice in experimental porphyria: A biochemical and morphological study

Peter D. Siersema, René P. van Helvoirt, Diane A. M. Ketelaars, Maud I. Cleton, Wim C. de Bruijn, J. H. Paul Wilson, Henk G. van Eijk – 1 December 1991 – Hexachlorobenzene‐induced porphyria is iron dependent and characterized by the decreased activity of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase and the accumulation of porphyrins in the liver. To examine the relationship between iron and porphyrins in liver tissue, we performed a biochemical and morphological (histological, ultrastructural and morphometrical) study in the livers of C57BL/10 mice.

Effects of anesthetic agents and abdominal surgery on liver blood flow

Russell E. Cowan, Barry T. Jackson, Stephen L. Grainger, Richard P. H. Thompson – 1 December 1991 – The cause of postoperative liver dysfunction is often unclear, but a decrease in liver blood flow during anesthesia and/or major surgery may be important. Plasma half‐life and clearance of indocyanine green were therefore measured in 42 patients before, during and after anesthesia and abdominal surgery. In 13 patients, liver blood flow was also estimated from indocyanine green extraction using hepatic vein catheterization.

Physicochemical and bacteriological analysis of the contents of occluded biliary endoprostheses

Christian Moesch, Denis Sautereau, Franclois Cessot, Pascal Berry, Marcelle Mounier, Alain Gainant, Bernard Pillegand – 1 December 1991 – The deposits obstructing 12 biliary endoprostheses were examined by scanning electron microscopy and analyzed quantitatively by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Calcium palmitate and bilirubinate associated with proteins were found in all the deposits. Apart from the small amount of cholesterol, this composition closely resembled that of brown pigment gallstones and suggested an infectious cause.

Effect of interferon‐γ on hepatitis B viral antigen expression in primary hepatocyte culture

Johnson Y. N. Lau, Vincent G. Bain, Nikolai V. Naoumov, Heather M. Smith, Graeme J. M. Alexander, Roger Williams – 1 December 1991 – Interferon‐α has been shown recently to selectively enhance hepatocyte expression of HBsAg/pre‐S2 in chronic hepatitis B virus infection in a way that may enhance immune recognition.

Physiological responses to increased dietary cholesterol: The case of the egg man

Jorge J. Gumucio, Michael P. Jones, Douglas M. Heuman – 1 December 1991 – An 88‐yr‐old man carrying the tentative diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease had a documented history of ingesting 20 to 30 eggs/day for approximately 15 yr. His psychiatrist characterized his eating habits as a compulsive disorder:“Eating these eggs ruins my life, but I can't help it.” He is in excellent health. His weight is constant at 82 to 86 kg (height 1.87 m). Apparently, he had a mild episode of angina. Otherwise, no significant history of stroke, heart disease or gallbladder disease was seen.

Role of microtubuli in secretion of very‐low‐density lipoprotein in isolated rat hepatocytes: Early effects of thiol reagents

J. Fred Nagelkerke, Bob van de Water, Irene M. Twiss, J. Paul Zoetewey, Hans J. G. M. de Bont, Peter Dogterom, Gerard J. Mulder – 1 December 1991 – The secretion of very‐low‐density lipoprotein from hepatocytes proceeds through the microtubules. In this study, the role of glutathione in the maintenance of intact microtubules and the secretion of very‐low‐density lipoprotein has been investigated.

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