Phenobarbital does not increase early labeling of bilirubin from 4‐[14C]‐δ‐aminolevulinic acid in man and rat

Hiroaki Okuda, Nicola Tavoloni, Terrence F. Blaschke, Chi‐Li Kiang, Mary Jane T. Jones, Jeanne G. Waggoner, Mohinder K. Sardana, Shigeru Sassa, Richard I. Shrager, Paul D. Berk – 1 December 1991 – δ‐Aminolevulinic acid‐4‐[14C] and [3H]‐bilirubin were administered intravenously to five patients with Gilbert's syndrome and four healthy control subjects on two occasions: before and on days 10 through 14 of a course of phenobarbital (2.5 mg/kg/day).

Significance and specificity of antibodies to neutrophils detected by western blotting for the serological diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis

Reinhild Klein, Joseph Eisenburg, Paul Weber, Frank Seibold, Peter A. Berg – 1 December 1991 – Antibodies against neutrophils have been detected in sera from patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and inflammatory bowel diseases either by immunofluorescence or by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay.

Long‐term follow‐up of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis on colchicine therapy

Abraham Zifroni, Fenton Schaffner – 1 December 1991 – We followed up a group of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis who participated in a 4‐yr prospective, double‐blind controlled trial of colchicine therapy for 4 additional years. All were placed on open label colchicine (0.6 mg twice daily) after the trial was concluded. Of the original group of 28 patients treated with colchicine, 8 died and 5 recieved transplants (3 of the 5 died). Of the original placebo control group eight patients died and six received transplants (1 of the 6 died).

Serum lysyl oxidase activity in chronic liver disease in comparison with serum levels of prolyl hydroxylase and laminin

Yoshikazu Murawaki, Yuka Kusakabe, Chisato Hirayama – 1 December 1991 – Lysyl oxidase was partially purified from serum by a diethylaminoethyl batch procedure in the presence of 6 mom/L urea and dialyzed against 3 mol/L KSCN. Using this method, we determined serum lysyl oxidase activity in 52 patients with liver disease and in 14 healthy controls, and we examined usefulness of serum lysyl oxidase in assessing liver fibrogenesis. For this purpose, serum lyayl oxidase activity in chronic liver disease was compared with serum levels of prolyl hydroxylase and laminin P1.

Regulation of hepatic transferrin, transferrin receptor and ferritin genes in human siderosis

Antonello Pietrangelo, Emilio Rocchi, Alberto Ferrari, Ezio Ventura, Gaetano Cairo – 1 December 1991 – Although many studies have examined the regulation of transferrin, transferrin receptor and ferritin subunit gene expression in experimental systems, no molecular biological data in humans have been documented to date. In this study we simultaneously analyzed the hepatic content of transferrin, transferrin receptor and heavy and light ferritin subunit messenger RNAs in tissue samples obtained from subjects with normal iron balance and patients with primary or secondary iron overload.

Prophylaxis of first hemorrhage from esophageal varices by sclerotherapy, propranolol or both in cirrhotic patients: A randomized multicenter trial

The Prova Study Group – 1 December 1991 – The objective of this randomized multicenter trial was to assess the prophylactic effect on the incidence and severity of the first variceal hemorrhage of endoscopic sclerotherapy, propranolol and the combination of the two compared with none of these treatments in patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices.

Hepatic biochemical changes as a result of acute cocaine administration in the mouse

C. Scott Boyer, Dennis R. Petersen – 1 December 1991 – The biochemical mechanism of cocaine hepatotoxicity is thought to involve enzymatic formation of reactive metabolites. The exact hepatocellular effects of these metabolites have yet to be established. This study was designed to monitor, in a time course after an acute cocaine dose, biochemical parameters that are important in cellular defense and homeostasis in vivo.

Cause and timing of first allograft failure in orthotopic liver transplantation: A study of 177 consecutive patients

Jorge Quiroga, Inmaculada Colina, A. Jake Demetris, Thomas E. Starzl, David H. van Thiel – 1 December 1991 – The cause and timing of first liver allograft failure was evaluated in 177 patients who underwent a second liver transplant between January 1984 and December 1988. The population studied consisted of 94 men and 83 women with a mean age 41.3 ± 1.0 yr (mean ± S.E.M.). Mean first‐graft survival was 130.6 ± 22.9 days (range = 0 to 2,073 days).

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