Fuel homeostasis and carnitine metabolism in rats with secondary biliary cirrhosis

Stephan Krahenbuhl, Eric P. Brass – 1 November 1991 – Energy metabolism is abnormal in patients and experimental animals with liver cirrhosis. To help better understand the abnormalities, fuel homeostasis and carnitine metabolism were studied in fed and 24‐hr‐starved rats with secondary biliary cirrhosis induced by bile duct ligation for 4 wk. Plasma ketone body concentrations were decreased by 67% in starved, bile duct–ligated rats compared with control rats.

Stimulation of putrescine production by epidermal growth factor in rat liver after partial hepatectomy

Sumiko Nagoshi, Tomoaki Tomiya, Yuzuru Sato, Yuji Oka, Itsuro Ogata, Kenji Fujiwara – 1 November 1991 – When epidermal growth factor was given to rats after partial hepatectomy, hepatic putrescine content was significantly increased at 4, 6 and 10 hr compared with control rats. Ornithine decarboxylase activity was also increased.

Ursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of primary sclerosing cholangitis: A 30‐month pilot study

Christopher B. O'brien, John R. Senior, Renu Arora‐Mirchandani, Ashok K. Batta, Gerald Salen – 1 November 1991 – We investigated the effects of once‐daily oral administration of 10 mg/kg ursodeoxycholic acid (generic name, ursodiol) on elevated serum enzyme activities, bilirubin, cholesterol, bile acids and symptoms in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Reduction of morbidity and mortality from biliary complications after liver transplantation

Andrew S. Klein, Scott Savader, James F. Burdick, Jeffrey Fair, Mack Mitchell, Paul Colombani, Bruce Perler, Floyd Osterman, G. Melville Williams – 1 November 1991 – Over a 4‐yr period that began October 1, 1986, 103 orthotopic liver transplants were performed on 91 patients at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Biliary reconstruction at the time of transplantation was performed in standard fashion by an appropriately trained member of the surgical team.

Gallstones in cystic fibrosis: A critical reappraisal

Mario Angelico, Claudia Gandin, Pietro Canuzzi, Serenella Bertasi, Alfredo Cantafora, Adriano de Santis, Serena Quattrucci, Mariano Antonelli – 1 November 1991 – Radiolucent gallstones are common in young adults with cystic fibrosis. In the mid‐1970s, it was suggested that gallstones are made of cholesterol, but this hypothesis has never been tested. Several recent studies have shown that the detection of cholesterol monohydrate crystals in bile has high sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of cholesterol gallstones.

Overestimation of the prevalence of antibody to hepatitis C virus in retrospective studies on stored sera

Anna S. F. Lok, Oliver C. K. Ma, Tak‐Mao Chan, Ching‐Lung Lai, Hau‐Tim Chung, Clara P. L. Ng, Jenny S. C. Lam – 1 November 1991 – Serum samples (1,428) from 1,149 patients with chronic liver diseases and polytransfused subjects were tested for antibody to hepatitis C virus by first‐generation enzyme immunoassays.

Intraobserver and interobserver variation in the histopathological assessment of liver allograft rejection

A. Jake Demetris, Steven H. Belle, John Hart, Klaus Lewin, Jurgen Ludwig, Dale C. Snover, G. Weldon Tillery, Katherine Detre, The Liver Transplantation Database (Ltd) Investigators – 1 November 1991 – A study to determine the reproducibility of histopathological findings and diagnoses of rejection was carried out on a series of 42 liver allograft needle biopsy specimens by five pathologists practicing at four liver transplant centers.

Procoagulant activity and tumor necrosis factor in rat hepatic allograft rejection

Michael H. Basista, Anne Stieffenhofer, Dong‐Goo Kim, Noriko Murase, Saturo Todo, Vincents J. Dindzans – 1 November 1991 – We used a model of rat hepatic allograft rejection to evaluate levels of procoagulant activity and tumor necrosis factor during acute cellular rejection. ACI livers were transplanted into Lewis rats, and Lewis‐to‐Lewis isografts and unoperated animals served as controls. Animals were killed on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9. Splenic mononuclear cells were obtained by Ficoll‐Hypaque gradients.

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