Hepatocytes of Zones 1 and 3 Conjugate Sulfobromophthalein with Glutathione

Elinor H. Chen, Jorge J. Gumucio, Norman H. Ho, Deborah L. Gumucio – 1 May 1984 – The capacity of hepatocytes of Zones 1 and 3 of the liver acinus to conjugate sulfobromophthalein (BSP) with glutathione and to secrete the conjugate into bile was studied. BSP was infused into the in situ perfused rat liver in concentrations of 0.01 and 0.05 mM. Perfusions were performed either in the portal to hepatic vein direction (forward perfusion) or in the hepatic vein to portal vein direction (retrograde perfusion).

Comparison of Intravenous Somatostatin and Vasopressin Infusions in Treatment of Acute Variceal Hemorrhage

David Kravetz, Jaime Bosch, Josep Terés, Jordi Bruix, Antoni Rimola, Juan Rodés – 1 May 1984 – The present trial compared the effectiveness and complications of intravenous somatostatin and vasopressin in treatment of variceal bleeding. Sixty‐one cirrhotic patients with endoscopically proven active variceal bleeding were included. Both drugs were given as continuous intravenous infusions for 48 hr. Thirty patients received somatostatin (250 #ig per hr after a bolus of 50 ng) and 31 vasopressin (0.4 units per min).

Liver Ultrastructure in Mitochondrial Urea Cycle Enzyme Deficiencies and Comparison with Reye's Syndrome

Patricia S. Latham, Douglas R. Labrecque, John W. Mcreynolds, Gerald Klatskin – 1 May 1984 – The liver ultrastructural findings in two girls with partial carbamyl phosphate synthetase I (CPS) deficiency and their heterozygote parents and two siblings with ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency are described. Liver ultrastructure in the four patients with inherited deficiences of urea cycle enzymes showed minimal alterations with essentially normal mitochondria when biopsy was performed during periods of good control of their hyperammonemia.

Phthalate Esters and Their Effect on the Liver

Agneta E. Ganning, Ulf Brunk, Gustav Dallner – 1 May 1984 – The advantageous properties of polyvinyl chloride plastics make these materials indispensable at all levels of human life, and there is no reason to believe that the upward trend of their use will change. One third of most polyvinyl chloride plastics consists of plasticizers, mostly phthalate esters, which may migrate out contaminating our environment and consequently our bodies. Experimental results indicate that chronic exposure to phthalic esters may be responsible for a number of adverse health effects.

Effect of Albumin Binding on Extraction of Sulfobromophthalein by Perfused Elasmobranch Liver: Evidence for Dissociation‐Limited Uptake

Richard A. Weisiger, Charles M. Zacks, Neil D. Smith, James L. Boyer – 1 May 1984 – We investigated the role of serum albumin in the hepatic uptake of organic anions by determining the effect of added bovine albumin on sulfobromophthalein (BSP) uptake in skates, an animal which naturally lacks this protein. A single‐pass perfused liver model was used to determine steady‐state net uptake rates as the BSP or BSP and albumin concentrations were systematically varied.

Differential Effects of Hypoxia on the Disposition of Propranolol and Sodium Taurocholate by the Isolated Perfused Rat Liver

D. Brian Jones, George W. Mihaly, Richard A. Smallwood, Lorraine K. Webster, Denis J. Morgan, Norman P. Madsen – 1 May 1984 – Although the adverse effect of hypoxia on drug metabolism is well documented in subcellular systems, its effect on drug clearance by the intact liver has not been defined. This study was undertaken in the isolated perfused rat liver to examine the effects of acute hypoxia on the hepatic elimination of two highly cleared substances‐propranolol and sodium taurocholate. Hypoxia was established by equilibrating the perfusate with 100% nitrogen rather than 100% oxygen.

Purified Rat Liver Fat‐Storing Cells in Culture Divide and Contain Collagen

A. De Margreet Leeuw, Séan P. Mccarthy, Albert Geerts, Dick L. Knook – 1 May 1984 – Primary cultures and cell lines were established from suspensions of purified fat‐storing cells isolated from the rat liver. When seeded at a suitable density, fat‐storing cells in primary culture reached confluency in 3 to 4 days and could be transferred and established as cell lines for at least two passages. The typical morphological characteristics of fat‐storing cells in vivo were retained in the cells during primary culture.

Experimental Studies of Blood Brain Barrier Permeability in Acute Hepatic Failure

Ahmed E. O. Zaki, Roland J. Ede, Michael Davis, Roger Williams – 1 May 1984 – Permeability of the blood brain barrier in relation to the development of hepatic encephalopathy was investigated in two animal models of acute hepatic failure, in one of which there was the potential for recovery (D‐galactosamine‐induced hepatitis). In both this and the hepatic devascularization model, there was an approximate 3‐fold increase in the passive permeability of the blood brain barrier to inulin and sucrose.

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