Electron Microscopic Evidence of Non‐A, Non‐B Hepatitis Markers and Virus‐Like Particles in Immunocompromised Humans

Seishiro Watanabe, K. Rajender Reddy, Lennox Jeffers, Gordon M. Dickinson, Mark O'Connell, Eugene R. Schiff – 1 July 1984 – Characteristic pathological alterations of the liver in chimpanzees inoculated with non‐A, non‐B hepatitis sera have been described, but no corresponding findings have been reported in humans.

Hepatitis B Vaccination in Down's Syndrome and Other Mentally Retarded Patients

Rudolf A. Heijtink, Pieter De Jong, Solko W. Schalm, Nic Masurel – 1 July 1984 – The immune response after vaccination with H‐B‐VAX (20 μg, Months 0, 1 and 6) was investigated in 23 Down's syndrome patients and compared to that in 30 other mentally retarded patients and 32 staff members. About 90% of Down's syndrome and other mentally retarded patients and 100% of staff members had anti‐HBs at Month 9, but anti‐HBs less than 10IU per liter were found in 6/23 (26.1%) of Down's syndrome, 7/30 (23.3%) of other mentally retarded patients, in contrast to 2/32 (6.2%) of staff members.

Bioluminescence Assays for Bile Acids in the Detection and Follow‐Up of Experimental Liver Injury

Jürgen SchÖLmerich, Marlene Deluca, Mario Chojkier – 1 July 1984 – We evaluated the usefulness of recently developed bioluminescence assays for serum bile acids (BA) in the detection and follow‐up of experimental liver injury. Liver damage was induced in rats by either D‐galactosamine or CC14, and BA were compared to SGPT and aminopyrine breath test (ABT). In severe liver injury, following D‐galactosamine administration, all three methods revealed a significant difference from control values. The degree of abnormality was, however, far greater with SGPT and BA than with ABT.

Portacaval Transposition in the Rat: Definition of a Valuable Model for Hepatic Research

Irving S. Benjamin, Calvin J. Ryan, Gert H. C. Engelbrecht, John A. H. Campbell, Rosemaryvan Hoorn‐Hickman, Leslie H. Blumgart – 1 July 1984 – Portacaval transposition (PCT) in rats results in a smaller loss of body mass and liver mass than end‐to‐side portacaval shunt (PCS). Detailed studies of liver function, mass and histology were not previously available and have been undertaken in two different strains of growing rat in order to define the value of this model. PCT rats gained weight normally, while only 50% of PCS rats regained their preoperative weight by the tenth week.

Conjugation and Maximal Biliary Excretion of Bilirubin in the Rat During Pregnancy and Lactation and During Estroprogestogen Treatment

Maurizio Muraca, Roger Leyten, Johan Fevery – 1 July 1984 – Hepatic bilirubin conjugation and excretion were investigated during pregnancy and lactation in the rat. Bilirubin uridine diphosphate‐glucuronyltransferase activity was decreased by 30% in pregnant rats, both when expressed per milligram of protein or as specific activity and per unit of liver weight. Liver size increased during pregnancy, and, as a consequence, total hepatic glucuronyltransferase activity was unchanged.

Possible Defect in the Bile Secretory Apparatus in Arteriohepatic Dysplasia (Alagille's Syndrome): A Review with Observations on the Ultrastructure of Liver

Pedro Valencia‐Mayoral, James Weber, Ernest Cutz, Vernon D. Edwards, M. James Phillips – 1 July 1984 – Ultrastructural observations on 12 liver biopsies from 10 patients with arteriohepatic dysplasia syndrome (Alagille's syndrome) are reported. The electron microscopic changes in the liver in this condition are different from those seen in other forms of chronic intra‐ and extrahepatic cholestasis. In particular, the bile canalicular and pericanalicular changes classically observed in cholestasis are infrequently seen.

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