Isolation, Culture and Characterization of Adult Human Hepatocytes from Surgical Liver Biopsies

Francois Ballet, Marie‐Elisabeth Bouma, Shu‐Ren Wang, Norma Amit, Jacqueline Marais, Recaredo Infante – 1 September 1984 – A technique is described for isolation and culture of adult human hepatocytes from surgical liver biopsies. The mean cell yield was 1.75 ± 107 cells per gm liver and viability averaged 80%. Hepatocytes were maintained in primary culture for about 10 days. Cell morphology and histochemical characteristics were similar to hepatocytes in vivo. Bile canaliculi were observed by electron microscopy.

Evidence for a Nucleation Defect in Bile from Gallstone Patients

Steven Gallinger, P. Robert C. Harvey, Steven M. Strasberg – 1 September 1984 – When modern methods of estimating cholesterol saturation in bile were first applied to human bile samples, it seemed that a clear distinction could be made between normal and abnormal biles on the basis of cholesterol saturation. Supersaturation of bile with cholesterol appeared to be the only critical defect required for stone formation. A variety of evidence has now accumulated which indicates that a nucleation defect is also important.

Factors Influencing Cholesterol Nucleation in Bile

R. Thomas Holzbach – 1 September 1984 – Dilution induces structural alterations (i.e., vesicle formation) in the lipid particles of supersaturated human hepatic bile and in dilute model bile systems of comparable composition. These alterations strikingly increase both the degree and duration of metastable supersaturation. Concentrated normal human gallbladder bile also shows an increased but less striking degree and duration of metastability compared to comparable model biles.

Pit Cell‐Hepatocyte Contact in Autoimmune Hepatitis

Kenji Kaneda, Narito Kurioka, Shuichi Seki, Kenjiro Wake, Sukeo Yamamoto – 1 September 1984 – This is the first report to document pit cells in the human liver. These cells were identified by characteristic electron‐dense granules and rod‐cored vesicles. The granules of human pit cells were smaller in number and size than those of the rat. In the present case of autoimmune hepatitis, pit cells and conventional agranular lymphocytes migrated into hepatic parenchyma and contacted degenerating and immature hepatocytes.

Controlled Trial of Vasopressin and Balloon Tamponade in Bleeding Esophageal Varices

J. Pinto Correia, M. Martins Alves, P. Alexandrino, J. Silveira – 1 September 1984 – In a randomized controlled trial, the effect of continuous intravenous administration of vasopressin was compared with Sengstaken‐Blakemore balloon tamponade in 37 episodes of bleeding esophageal varices in patients with cirrhosis. The majority were Group A and B of Child's classification. Bleeding was controlled in 11 of 17 (65%) patients on vasopressin and in 14 of 20 (70%) patients on tamponade.

Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus: Experimental Infection and Natural Occurrence

Irving Millman, Lenore Southam, Theresa Halbherr, Heidi Simmons, Chong Myung Kang – 1 September 1984 – Sera from 588 woodchucks were assayed for woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) markers using hepatitis B virus (HBV) reagents which have cross‐reactivity with WHV markers. Twenty per cent of these woodchucks, trapped in Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania, had WHsAg; 50% of these had DNA polymerase. There are areas of high and low endemicity within these states. Female woodchucks may have a higher incidence of WHV markers than do males.

Crystallization in Bile

George H. Nancollas – 1 September 1984 – The formation of crystalline components in gallstones is governed by the physical‐chemical factors controlling the crystallizaton of minerals in aqueous systems. The elucidation of the mechanism of these reactions, especially at the low supersaturations of interest in vivo, is facilitated by the use of a constant composition method in which the reactions are studied at supersaturation levels automatically sustained, potentiometrically, during the experiments.

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