Liver biopsy immunotyping to characterize lymphoid malignancies

Christopher J. Verdi, Thomas M. Grogan, Robert Protell, Lynne Richter, Catherine Rangel – 1 January 1986 – To determine the feasibility of liver biopsy immunotyping to characterize hepatic lymphoid malignancies, we employed a panel of monoclonal antibodies on snapfrozen hepatic tissue from 18 patients. Six patients proved to have a histologic diagnosis of lymphoid malignancy. By using free avidin and biotin‐blocking reagents to block endogenous biotin, followed by standard immunochemistry, immunotyping was successful in all six cases.

Prognostic significance of serum bile acids in cirrhosis

Gerd A. Mannes, M.D., Christian Thieme, Frans Stellaard, Tiancai Wang, Tilman Sauerbruch, Gustav Paumgartner – 1 January 1986 – The value of serum bile acid concentrations for predicting prognosis in cirrhotics was compared with the prognostic significance of clinical and laboratory findings in a prospective 1‐year study of 76 patients with cirrhosis. A commercial radioimmunoassay for total serum‐conjugated primary bile acids was used. Of 76 patients, 16 died within the follow‐up period.

Reticuloendothelial system Fc receptor‐mediated clearance of IgG‐tagged erythrocytes from the circulation of patients with idiopathic ulcerative colitis and chronic liver disease

Gerald Y. Minuk, Noel B. Hershfield, Weng Y. Lee, Keith L. Maccannell, Roy Preshaw, Lorne M. Price, Eldon A. Shaffer, Lloyd R. Sutherland – 1 January 1986 – Immune complexes may be important in the pathogenesis of the liver disease associated with idiopathic ulcerative colitis.

Isosorbide dinitrate in experimental portal hypertension: A study of factors that modulate the hemodynamic response

Andres T. Blei, Jeanne Gottstein – 1 January 1986 – Isosorbide dinitrate, a long‐acting vasodilator, has been tested in human portal hypertension with conflictingresults. In order to determine some of the factors that could affect the individual response to this drug, we infused isosorbide dinitrate at a low dose (10 to 25 μg per kg per min) and a high dose (100 μg per kg per min) to rats with portal vein stenosis.

Transport and intracellular distribution of copper in a human hepatoblastoma cell line, HepG2

Richard J. Stockert, Phyllis S. Grushoff, Anatol G. Morell, Glenn E. Bentley, Harold A. O'Brien, I. Herbert Scheinberg, Irmin Sternlieb – 1 January 1986 – The uptake of radiocopper by HepG2 cells is a saturable, temperature‐dependent and cellular energy‐independent process with a Vmax of 7.1 ± 0.2 pmoles min−1 mg protein−1 andan estimated Km of 3.3 ± 0.5 μM. The rate of copper uptake is reduced at an equimolar concentrationof albumin and is unaffected by zinc at a 10‐fold molar excess.

Value of hepatic iron measurements in early hemochromatosis and determination of the critical iron level associated with fibrosis

Mark L. Bassett, June W. Halliday, Lawrie W. Powell – 1 January 1986 – The role of the measurement of hepatic iron in the diagnosis of genetic hemochromatosis was studied, with particular reference to the differentiation of early hemochromatosis from alcoholic siderosis and the critical hepatic iron concentration associated with fibrosis in hemochromatosis. Hepatic iron was measured in 30 homozygous relatives of 17 hemochromatosis probands, 8 heterozygous relatives, 51 patients with alcoholic liver disease and 40 control subjects.

Intracellular processing of human vs. rat immunoglobulin A in the rat liver

Albert L. Jones, Gary T. Hradek, Douglas L. Schmucker – 1 November 1985 – It is well established that in the rat, rat dimeric IgA is transported from blood to bile across rat liver parenchymal cells via a series of minute smooth membrane‐limited vesicles. This pathway is unique from that taken by a number of other ligands, which are internalized for degradation, in that there appears to be little involvement of coated vesicles, multivesicular bodies and lysosomes.

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