Glutathione S‐transferases: Of rats and men

R. E. Kirsch, N. M. Bass – 1 July 1986 – Rat liver glutathione S‐transferases have been purified to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity by S‐hexylglutathione‐linked Sepharose 6B affinity chromatography and CM‐cellulose column chromatography. At least 11 transferase activity peaks can be resolved including five Yb size homodimeric isozymes, two Yc size homodimeric isozymes, one Ya homodimeric isozyme, one Yα homodimeric isozyme, and two Ya‐Yc heterodimeric isozymes.

Noninvasive measurement of the pressure of esophageal varices using an endoscopic gauge: Comparison with measurements by variceal puncture in patients undergoing endoscopic sclerotherapy

Jaime Bosch, José M. Bordas, Joaquín Rigau, Carmen Viola, Ricardo Mastai, David Kravetz, Miguel Navasa, Joan Rodés – 1 July 1986 – Measurements of variceal pressure with a noninvasive endoscopic pressure gauge and by direct variceal puncture were performed in 20 cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension in the course of the first session of therapeutic sclerotherapy following an episode of variceal bleeding.

Hepatitis B virus infection and liver disease in ethiopian immigrants to Israel

Edna Ben‐Porath, Lea Hornstein, Jerome Zeldis, Jacob Nahmias, Mignon Gruia, Batia Bilgoray, Yehudit Satinger – 1 July 1986 – We assessed infection with hepatitis B virus in 357 Ethiopians who immigrated to Israel. Hepatitis B virus infection, as measured by the presence in the serum of HBsAg, anti‐HBs, or anti‐HBc, started at an early age (35% at the age of 1 to 4 years) and reached an overall rate of 98% in individuals over 40 years old. A high rate of HBsAg antigenemia in the young age group (19% at the age of 1 to 8 years) was associated with HBeAg and serum hepatitis B virus DNA.

Comparison between polyclonal and first and second generation monoclonal radioimmunoassays in the detection of hepatitis B surface antigen in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Michael C. Kew, Yumiko Fujita, Hiroshi Takahashi, Ann Coppins, Jack R. Wands – 1 July 1986 – Serum from 221 black patients with hepatocellular carcinoma was tested for HBsAg using a polyclonal radioimmunoassay, and first and second generation monoclonal radioimmunoassays designated M1‐RIA and M2‐RIA. These monoclonal radioimmunoassays have a lower limit of detection of about 55 and 15 pg of HBsAg‐associated epitopes per ml of serum. Correlations were made with other hepatitis B virus serologic markers such as anti‐HBc and anti‐HBs, using polyclonal radioimmunoassays.

Bath is a bath is a bath

Harold O. Conn – 1 July 1986 – Immersion in water in spas has been practised for centuries and has many proponents. Despite fierce debate about its efficacy there has been little scientific evaluation of the effect of immersion in mineral waters. Eight normal subjects were immersed in Bath spa water for two hours and the renal, haematological, and cardiovascular responses were compared with those in the control periods before and after immersion.

Diagnostic tests in jaundice: WHO is to choose, the doctor or the computer?

K. W. O'Connor – 1 July 1986 – A model has been developed for ordering diagnostic tests in jaundiced patients. The system proceeds in two steps: (i) diagnostic hypotheses are calculated for each patient from the results of physical examination and routine biological investigations; (ii) given these hypotheses, the most efficient test (out of 22) for reaching the final diagnosis is selected using four criteria: diagnostic value, risk, financial cost, and time in obtaining the result. This model was tested in 62 patients.

Liver DNA synthesis promoter activity detected in human plasma from subjects with hepatitis

Juan J. Díaz‐Gil, Gonzalo Sánchez, Luis Santamaría, Carolina Trilla, Paloma Esteban, Pedro Escartín – 1 July 1986 – A liver DNA synthesis promoter activity was detected in human plasma from subjects with hepatitis. The assay procedure consisted of intraperitoneal injection into mice of aliquots of plasma, previously chromatographed on Sephadex G‐25. After 24 hr, [3H]thymidine was injected and its incorporation into liver DNA measured.

Immunoglobulin a antibody against hepatitis B core antigen of polymeric and monomeric forms, as well as of IgA1 and IgA2 subclasses, in acute and chronic infection with hepatitis B virus

Mikio Hikata, Katsumi Tachibana, Mitsunobu Imai, Shigeko Naito, Akira Oinuma, Fumio Tsuda, Yuzo Miyakawa, Makoto Mayumi – 1 July 1986 – Solid‐phase radioimmunoassays using monoclonal antibodies were used to assay antibody to hepatitis B core antigen of immunoglobulin A class in terms of polymeric and monomeric forms, as well as of IgA1 and IgA2 subclasses, in the serum of persons infected with hepatitis B virus.

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