Calcitonin gene‐related peptide in the hepatic and splanchnic vascular systems of the rat

Yutaka Sasaki, Norio Hayashi, Akinori Kasahara, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Hideyuki Fusamoto, Nobuhiro Sato, Carmel J. Hillyard, Samia Girgis, Iain Macintyre, Piers C. Emson, Sadao Shiosaka, Masaya Tohyama, Yahe Shiotani, Takenobu Kamada – 1 July 1986 – The distribution and origin of calcitonin gene‐related peptide immunoreactive structures in hepatic and splanchnic vasculature of the rat were investigated by the immunofluorescent technique.

Systemic hypotension and decreased pressor response in dogs with chronic bile duct ligation

Arieh Bomzon, Moshe Rosenberg, Devorah Gali, Ofer Binah, Dani Mordechovitz, Ori S. Better, Paul D. Greig, Laurence M. Blendis – 1 July 1986 – Vascular instability as defined by systemic hypotension and unresponsiveness to endogenous or exogenous vasoactive substances is a feature of both patients and experimental animals with obstructive jaundice. In this study, we have attempted to dissect the possible mechanisms for these abnormalities using both in vivo and in vitro methods.

Rat hepatic bile acid sulfotransferase: Identification of the catalytic polypeptide and evidence for polymeric forms in female rats

Robert H. Collins, Leon Lack, Kenneth M. Harman, Paul G. Killenberg – 1 July 1986 – A monoclonal antibody, PK1B, directed against rat liver bile acid sulfotransferase was used for the purification and characterization of the enzyme. Incubation of rat liver supernatant with the antibody followed by immunoprecipitation with Staphylococcus aureus cells demonstrated that PK1B reacted with 90% of the enzymatic activity present in the liver supernatant from female rats and 40 to 50% of the activity in male liver preparations.

Transgenic mouse models for the chronic hepatitis B surface antigen carrier state: Transfection a deux

Adrian M. Di Bisceglie, Jay H. Hoofnagle – 1 May 1986 – In an attempt to establish a model of the healthy carrier state in hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections, transgenic mice expressing HBV genes were produced. Fertilized one‐cell eggs were microinjected with subgenomic fragments of HBV DNA containing the coding regions for the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) and pre‐S and×antigens. Either the normal (HBV) or metallothionein promoters were used to obtain expression of the HBV genes. There was no evidence of viral replication or tissue pathology.

Composition of pigmented centers of cholesterol gallstones

Peter F. Malet, Clarke E. Williamson, Bruce W. Trotman, Roger D. Soloway – 1 May 1986 – Most cholesterol gallstones have visually pigmented centers, but it is unclear whether this represents simple co‐precipitation of pigment with cholesterol during stone nidation or nidation on a true pigment stone center. To clarify this issue, we selected from among 67 sets of cholesterol gallstones, 12 sets with the most conspicuously pigmented centers.

The ontogeny of liver copper metabolism in the guinea pig: Clues to the etiology of Wilson's disease

Surjit K. S. Srai, Andrew K. Burroughs, Bernard Wood, Owen Epstein – 1 May 1986 – The normal human neonate has a copper profile indistinguishable from Wilson's disease, and we have previously postulated that this disease is caused by genetic failure to switch from the fetal to adult mode of copper metabolism. This study validates the developing guinea pig as a suitable animal in which to study copper ontogeny. At birth, liver copper concentrations are 7 times higher than in adults and serum copper and ceruloplasmin are 27 and 21% of adult values, respectively.

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