Quantitation, tissue distribution and proliferation kinetics of kupffer cells in normal rat liver

Luc Bouwens, Marijke Baekeland, Ronald de Zanger, Eddie Wisse – 1 July 1986 – In normal rat liver, Kupffer cells were unequivocally identified using peroxidase cytochemistry by light microscopy in semithin plastic sections. The Kupffer cell population was found to constitute 31% of the sinusoidal cells and by morphometry and serial sectioning, a mean absolute number of 14 to 20 × 106 Kupffer cells per g liver was calculated. The mean distribution of Kupffer cells in the liver lobules was 43% in the periportal, 28% in the midzonal and 29% in the central area of the lobule.

Acetone potentiation of chronic liver injury induced by repetitive administration of carbon tetrachloride

Michel Charbonneau, Beatriz Tuchweber, Gabriel L. Plaa – 1 July 1986 – The ability of ketonic compounds to modify the chronic liver injury (cirrhosis) induced by haloalkanes is unknown. To investigate this problem, male Sprague‐Dawley rats were treated p.o. twice weekly for 12 weeks with acetone (25 mmoles per kg in corn oil) or corn oil alone (10 ml per kg). The rats were treated p.o. with corn oil (10 ml per kg) or CCl4 (5 mmoles per kg in corn oil) 18 hr after each pretreatment. Animals were killed after 4, 8, 10 or 12 weeks of treatment.

Multivariate analysis of prognostic factors in fulminant hepatitis B

Jacques Bernuau, Alain Goudeau, Thierry Poynard, Frederic Dubois, Gerard Lesage, Bernard Yvonnet, Claude Degott, Annie Bezeaud, Bernard Rueff, Jean‐Pierre Benhamou – 1 July 1986 – We assessed prognostic factors in 115 patients with serologically defined fulminant hepatitis B. The diagnosis in each case was based on the finding of IgM antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen in serum.

Subcapsular hepatic necrosis in orthotopic liver allografts

Pierre A. Russo, Eduardo J. Yunis – 1 July 1986 – Five cases of subcapsular liver necrosis were found in a series of 55 hepatic orthotopic allografts examined at hepatectomy or autopsy during a 3‐yr period at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. There was a pronounced rise in liver enzymes in the first few days in all of the cases after transplantation followed by a decrease in values in four of the cases over the next few days. All were characterized by an irregular subcapsular band of necrotic tissue involving both lobes, to a variable degree, but most frequently the right lobe.

Renal function in ascites: Position is everything in life

Asghar Rastegar – 1 July 1986 – The assumption of upright posture by patients with liver cirrhosis leads to striking activation of adrenergic and renin‐angiotensin systems. The tilting‐induced modifications in renal function of eight healthy controls and 14 untreated patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites were related to plasma concentrations of noradrenaline, renin activity and aldosterone. All patients had preserved renal blood perfusion. All parameters were evaluated during bed rest for two hours and in the sitting posture for one hour.

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