Characterization and clinical relevance of a new complement‐fixing antibod–anti‐m8–in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis

Paul Weber, Judith Brenner, Ernst Stechemesser, Reinhild Klein, Ulrike Weckenmann, Günter Klöppel, Manfred Kirchhof, Volker Fintelmann, Peter A. Berg – 1 July 1986 – A new complement‐fixing antimitochondrial antibody–anti‐M8–was detected in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Anti‐M8 was only found in association with anti‐M2, however, not all anti‐M2 positive patients had anti‐M8.

Paracetamol hepatotoxicity: A built‐in antidote?

Roger Williams – 1 July 1986 – The analgesic effect, toxicity and kinetics of oral paracetamol were compared with those of paracetamol + l‐methionine (5:1). The analgesic effect of paracetamol, studied in the Randall‐Selitto test in rats, was not changed by methionine: ED50 was 94.6 mg/kg without methionine and 94.1 mg/kg with it. However, methionine reduced the acute toxicity (LD50) of paracetamol by 50% (p < 0.05) in non‐fasted, fasted and phenobarbital‐pre‐treated mice.

The fluidity of liver plasma membranes from patients with different types of liver injury

Amador Schuller, José A. Solis‐Herruzo, Jorge Moscat, J. C. Fernandez‐Checa, Angel M. Municio – 1 July 1986 – The physical properties of cell membranes play an important role in cellular homeostasis. Previous studies with animal models have shown that the hepatocyte membrane fluidity has important effects in cellular function. In order to further investigate the relationship between physical properties of membranes and liver disease, the present study was performed. Twenty‐nine patients with different degrees of liver injury and 10 control individuals were studied.

Absence of detectable serum interferon in acute and chronic viral hepatitis

Mauro Pirovino, Michel Aguet, Marcel Huber, Josef Altorfer, Martin Schmid – 1 July 1986 – Amounts of interferon were measured in sera from 59 patients with acute viral hepatitis and 49 patients with chronic hepatitis B and compared to those from patients with nonviral liver disease or influenza, and from healthy controls. In all patients with acute and chronic viral hepatitis, no serum interferon could be detected, confirming data from earlier studies of acute viral hepatitis in which no circulating interferon was found.

Strain‐related patterns of biliary excretion and hepatic distribution of copper in the rat

Hubertus Nederbragt, Aart J. Lagerwerf – 1 July 1986 – Biliary copper excretion was studied in male, bilecannulated rats of the inbred strains Fischer, Brown Norway, WAG/Rij and Lewis. After intravenous injection of 10, 30 and 50 μg copper per 100 gm body weight, two patterns of copper excretion were observed; their profiles varied with the copper dose and the strain of the rats used. The lowest amounts of copper were excreted by Fischer rats, the highest by WAG/Rij rats; this was related to the effect of the copper dose on both patterns.

Hepatitis B virus is a retrovirus in disguise

Jerome B. Zeldis – 1 July 1986 – Nucleocapsid‐pol fusion proteins have been detected by serological screening hepatocellular carcinoma tissues that contain hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA. The existence of these fusion proteins suggests that HBV may synthesize its reverse transcriptase in a fashion analogous to the way that retroviruses synthesize and process a precursor. The accumulation of HBV reverse transcriptase intermediates in tumorous tissues and not in other tissues may be related to the absence of viral core particles and possibly contributes to tumor development.

Incidental solitary hepatocellular carcinomas smaller than 1 cm in size found at autopsy: A morphologic study

Yasuni Nakanuma, Goroku Ohta, Hitoshi Sugiura, Kishichiro Watanabe, Kenji Doishita – 1 July 1986 – The morphologic features and growth pattern of single hepatocellular carcinomas ⩽ 1 cm in size, found incidentally at autopsy, were studied in nine cases. In all but one case, the hepatic parenchyma showed advanced cirrhosis. In three cases, the hepatocellular carcinomas were localized within a regenerative nodule as a form of “nodule within nodule.” The carcinoma was rimmed by nonneoplastic hepatic tissue.

Mechanisms of secretion of proteins into bile: Studies in the perfused rat liver

Thomas M. Kloppel, William R. Brown, Juerg Reichen – 1 July 1986 – Employing the in situ perfused rat liver, we examined the origins and mechanisms of transport of proteins into bile. First, utilizing polyacrylamide gels, we noted that many biliary proteins co‐migrated with dominant serum proteins. Upon liver perfusion with serum‐free medium, most proteins disappeared from the biliary profile; one major biliary protein that was not present in serum, identified as secretory component, remained.

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