Effects of anticonvulsant agents on halothane‐induced liver injury in human subjects and experimental animals

Fumio Nomura, Hitoshi Hatano, Kunihiko Ohnishi, Bunshiro Akikusa, Kunio Okuda – 1 September 1986 – In order to evaluate the clinical implication of experimental studies on halothane‐induced liver damage in phenobarbital‐treated rats, we studied the clinical records of 315 consecutive patients who underwent brain surgery with halothane anesthesia. After exclusion of subjects with a history of alcoholism or antecedent chronic liver disease, clinical data of 279 patients with normal preoperative transaminase activities were analyzed.

Determination of iron to phosphorus ratios of iron storage compounds in patients with iron overload: A chemical and electron probe X‐ray microanalysis

Maud I. Cleton, Erik J. Frenkel, Willem C. de Bruijn, Joannes J. M. Marx – 1 September 1986 – The amounts of phosphorus and iron in various isolated ferritin preparations were investigated by: (i) chemical analysis on ferritin samples and (ii) electron probe X‐ray microanalysis on ferritin particles from the same preparations. A high correlation was found between iron to phosphorus ratios obtained by both methods.

Prognostic value of the aminopyrine breath test in cirrhotic patients

Jean‐Pierre Villeneuve, Claire Infante‐Rivard, Michel Ampelas, Gilles Pomier‐Layrargues, P.‐Michel Huet, Denis Marleau – 1 September 1986 – The aminopyrine breath test has been proposed as a quantitative test of hepatic function, but its long‐term prognostic value in patients with cirrhosis has not been determined. The aim of this study was to examine the usefulness of the aminopyrine breath test in assessing prognosis and to compare it with traditional methods of evaluating liver function.

Phagocytosis, an unrecognized property of murine endothelial liver cells

Anne‐Marie Steffan, Jean‐Louis Gendrault, Robert S. McCuskey, Patricia A. McCuskey, André Kirn – 1 September 1986 – Impairment of the phagocytic capacities of Kupffer cells, as is found in Frog Virus 3 hepatitis of mice, allows the endothelial liver cells to take up intravenously inoculated latex particles of 1.0 μm diameter. In vitro experiments with cultivated endothelial cells isolated by collagenase perfusion of the liver and purified by centrifugal elutriation demonstrate that uptake occurs via a typical mechanism of phagocytosis involving pseudopodia.

Estrogen and progesterone receptors in human gallbladder

Brian K. Singletary, David H. van Thiel, Patricia K. Eagon – 1 July 1986 – Gallbladder disease is more prevalent in women than men. Estrogen therapy has been associated with an increased incidence of gallbladder disease in both sexes. Further, increased progesterone levels have been implicated in impairment of gallbladder motility in pregnancy. Because sex hormones often exert their action through specific receptors, we investigated whether human gallbladder contains receptors for estrogen and progesterone.

Depletion of liver and esophageal epithelium vitamin a after chronic moderate ethanol consumption in rats: Inverse relation to zinc nutriture

Sohrab Mobarhan, Thomas J. Layden, Howard Friedman, Annette Kunigk, Philip Donahue – 1 July 1986 – This study was designed to determine whether chronic moderate ethanol ingestion alters the levels of vitamin A of liver and esophageal epithelium and if this is dependent on zinc nutriture. Forty male Sprague‐Dawley 4‐week‐old rats were divided into five groups: zinc‐deficient (0.9 ppm), ethanol‐fed; zinc‐deficient; zinc‐adequate (25 ppm); zinc‐adequate (25 ppm), ethanol‐fed; and zinc‐supplemented (50 ppm), ethanol‐fed.

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