Diagnostic usefulness of testing for anti‐HBc IgM in acute hepatitis B

Karen L. Lindsay, J. Anne Nizze, Ronald Koretz, Gary Gitnick – 1 November 1986 – Numerous tests to detect anti‐HBc IgM have been developed and shown to have different degrees of sensitivity and specificity. One of these assays, Corzyme®‐M (Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, Ill.), recently became commercially available. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the clinical utility of this anti‐HBc IgM test in establishing the diagnosis of acute hepatitis B using sera from a group of 42 prospectively followed individuals who had been exposed to hepatitis B virus.

Regulation of low density lipoprotein receptor activity in primary cultures of human hepatocytes by serum lipoproteins

Louis M. Havekes, Hans Verboom, Elly de Wit, Sing Hiem Yap, Hans M. G. Princen – 1 November 1986 – The low density lipoprotein receptor activity was measured in primary cultures of human hepatocytes. The receptor‐mediated association and degradation of low density lipoprotein increased gradually up to 140 and 190%, respectively, upon incubation of the cells with increasing amounts of whole serum (up to 100%).

Permeability characteristics of the guinea pig biliary apparatus

Nicola Tavoloni, Herman R. Wyssbrod, Mary Jane T. Jones – 1 November 1986 – To determine the mechanism and pathway of entry of polar nonelectrolytes into bile, we studied first the permeation of [3H]H2O, [14C]urea, [14C]erythritol, [14C]mannitol, [3H]sucrose, [3H]inulin and [3H]dextran across an isolated, in situ perfused segment of the guinea pig's extrahepatic bile duct. All of these molecules, except [3H]dextran, permeated the bile duct. The diffusive permeability coefficients (cm per sec per 106) ranged from 248 for [3H]H2O to 1.2 for [3H]inulin.

Orthotopic liver transplantation for type I Crigler‐Najjar syndrome

Stuart S. Kaufman, R. Patrick Wood, Byers W. Shaw, Rodney S. Markin, Philip Rosenthal, Bruno Gridelli, Jon A. Vanderhoof – 1 November 1986 – A neurologically normal 3‐year‐old girl with Type I Crigler‐Najjar syndrome was successfully treated with orthotopic liver transplantation. Preoperative serum bilirubin concentrations as high as 31 mg per dl were not diminished with phenobarbital or phototherapy.

Zinc therapy of Wilson's disease: Two views

George J. Brewer, I. Herbert Scheinberg – 1 September 1986 – After initial promotion of copper excretion with D‐penicillamine, the effect of oral zinc sulphate (3×150 mg/day, loading dose; 3×100 mg/day, maintenance dose) in two children with clinically stable Wilson's disease was evaluated after completion of three years' treatment. The course, judged by clinical, biochemical, and histological parameters was satisfactory in both. The urinary copper concentration reverted to less than 1.26 μmol/24 hours; and the serum copper concentration decreased further during zinc sulphate treatment.

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