Somatostatin analogues: Treatment for portal hypertension?

Andres T. Blei – 1 November 1986 – The effects of a somatostatin analogue, SMS 201‐995 on hepatic haemodynamics were studied in rats with dimethylnitrosamine‐induced cirrhosis. An intravenous infusion of 1, 2 or 4 μg kg−1 body wt h−1 SMS 201‐995 produced a rapid and sustained decrease in portal pressure, portal venous flow and liver blood flow without significantly altering arterial blood pressure or pulse. The reductions in portal pressure, portal venous flow and liver blood were accompanied by an increase in splanchnic vascular resistance. Portal venous resistance was not affected.

Hepatic α1‐antitrypsin mRNA content in cirrhosis with normal and abnormal protease inhibitor phenotypes

Sarah Jane Schwarzenberg, Harvey L. Sharp, Robin D. Manthei, Steven Seelig – 1 November 1986 – We quantitated α1‐antitrypsin mRNA in normal, α1‐antitrypsin‐deficient cirrhotic and biliary cirrhotic livers using two‐dimensional electrophoretograms of [35S] methionine‐labeled translational products of total hepatic RNA and RNA/DNA hybridization. α1‐antitrypsin precursor product was identified by immunoprecipitation.

Effects of metoclopramide and domperidone on azygos venous blood flow in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension

Ricardo Mastai, Luis Grande, Jaime Bosch, Jordi Bruix, Joaquim Rigau, David Kravetz, Miguel Navasa, Cristobal Pera, Joan Rodés – 1 November 1986 – The effects of pharmacological manipulation of the lower esophageal sphincter pressure on the esophageal circulation in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension were investigated in 33 patients by measuring the azygos venous blood flow, which is an index of blood flow through esophageal varices and periesophageal collaterals draining into the azygos venous system.

Transient neonatal hyperammonemia: Squeezing an iceberg into a pigeon hole

Yugen Edward Hsia – 1 November 1986 – Transient neonatal hyperammonemia (TNH) was reviewed in six cases seen by the authors and in 27 selected from the literature. These 33 cases were compared with 13 infants with urea cycle enzyme deficiencies (UCED). The two groups were similar in sex distribution, routes of delivery, time of onset of seizures, Apgar scores and in the prevalence of perinatal complications. Patients with TNH had significantly lower birth weights (2,282±78 gm vs. 3,336±222; mean±SEM; P < 0.001) and gestational ages (35±0.5 vs. 40±0.5 weeks; p e 0.001).

Mallory bodies in hepatic neoplasms: What does it mean?

Samuel W. French – 1 November 1986 – Evidence has been accumulating that Mallory body (MB) is a heritable phenotype of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and is closely related to hepatocarcinogenesis in some carcinogen‐fed animals. This prompted us to try to evaluate the MB phenomenon in human HCCs, in which its significance remains unclear to date. Whole liver slices were obtained from 28 autopsied livers in which MB‐positive HCC was found, and distribution of MBs within the HCC was examined. There were three distribution patterns: clustering, diffuse, and sparse types.

Propranolol for the prevention of recurrent variceal hemorrhage: A controlled trial

Jean‐Pierre Villeneuve, Gilles Pomier‐Layrargues, Claire Infante‐Rivard, Bernard Willems, P.‐Michel Huet, Denis Marleau, André Viallet – 1 November 1986 – We conducted a prospective, randomized single‐blind trial of propranolol for the prevention of recurrent variceal bleeding. Seventy‐nine patients shown to have variceal hemorrhage at endoscopy were included in the study within 72 hr following diagnosis.

Hemochromatosis: Precirrhotic therapy restores normal life expectancy

Lawrie W. Powell – 1 November 1986 – We analyzed survival and causes of death among 163 patients with primary hemochromatosis diagnosed between 1959 and 1983. The mean follow‐up period was 10.5 ± 5.6 years (±S.D.). Cu‐ mulative survival was 92 per cent at 5 years, 76 per cent at 10 years, 59 per cent at 15 years, and 49 per cent at 20 years.

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