Development of molecular hybridization technology to evaluate albumin and procollagen mrna content in baboons and man

Francis R. Weiner, Mark J. Czaja, Marie‐Adele Giambrone, Catherine H. Wu, George Y. Wu, Mark A. Zern – 1 January 1987 – We have developed the methodology for evaluating the effects of pathophysiological conditions on the molecular mechanisms of hepatic protein synthesis and fibrogenesis in baboons and man. Total RNA was extracted from percutaneous liver biopsies of five baboons who were chronically fed an ethanol‐rich liquid diet, their pair‐fed controls and from humans with a variety of liver abnormalities.

Opsonins in the hepatic clearance of pneumococci

B. A. Runyon – 1 January 1987 – An in situ isolated, perfused rat liver system was used to evaluate various opsonins for hepatic trapping and killing of encapsulated, virulent, type 3 pneumococci. Pneumococci were rapidly trapped in the liver in the presence of all potential opsonins including Hanks balanced salt solution with added colloid. However, with some of the potential opsonins the organisms remained viable and could be recovered from the liver. With others there was killing of pneumococci.

Reactivities and clinical relevance of antimitochondrial antibodies to four mitochondrial inner membrane proteins in sera of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis

Hideo Ishii, Koji Saifuku, Toshihiko Namihisa – 1 January 1987 – Antimitochondrial antibodies are characteristically detected in sera of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. The antigens to which the antimitochondrial antibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis sera react have been located in the mitochondrial inner membrane. We have reported on four mitochondrial inner membrane proteins, extracted from beef heart, which reacted with antimitochondrial antibodies of primary biliary cirrhosis. These four proteins had molecular weights of 70, 54, 51 and 45 kd.

Compensated cirrhosis: Natural history and prognostic factors

Pere Ginés, Enrique Quintero, Vicente Arroyo, Josep Terés, Miguel Bruguera, Antoni Rimola, Joan Caballería, Joan Rodés, Ciril Rozman – 1 January 1987 – To investigate the natural history of compensated cirrhosis, 293 consecutive patients without previous major complications (ascites, jaundice, encephalopathy or gastrointestinal hemorrhage) were studied in terms of morbidity (probability of developing decompensated cirrhosis during follow‐up) and survival. Patients were diagnosed by liver histology between 1968 and 1980. Median follow‐up was 63 months.

Purification and physical‐chemical characterization of hepatic stimulator substance

Douglas R. Labrecque, Gregory Steele, Steven Fogerty, Michelle Wilson, James Barton – 1 January 1987 – Hepatic stimulator substance is a liver growth stimulator derived from the hepatocyte cytosol of weanling or regenerating adult rat livers. The present paper reports the almost 9,000‐fold purification of hepatic stimulator substance with an approximately 100,000‐fold increase in specific growth stimulator activity.

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