Characteristics of serum IgA and liver IgA deposits in alcoholic liver disease

Albert Van De Wiel, Dominique L. Delacroix, Jan Van Hattum, Henk‐Jan Schuurman, Louis Kater – 1 January 1987 – Patients with alcoholic liver disease frequently reveal an increase in IgA serum concentration and IgA deposits in a continuous pattern along hepatic sinusoids. We investigated whether the hepatic IgA deposits are a passive reflection of changes in concentration or composition of IgA in the circulation, or represent a distinct effect of alcohol on the liver.

Ethanol‐induced increase in portal hepatic blood flow: Interference by anesthetic agents

Frederick J. Carmichael, Victor Saldivia, Yedy Israel, John P. McKaigney, Hector Orrego – 1 January 1987 – While a number of studies show that acute oral administration of ethanol results in increases in liver blood flow, a large body of evidence has also been presented in which such an effect is not observed. To shed light on this discrepancy, we have studied in rats, a number of variables that might modulate or inhibit the effect of ethanol.

Serum type III procollagen peptide concentrations in severe chronic active hepatitis: Relationship to cirrhosis and disease activity

Arthur J. McCullough, William N. Stassen, Russell H. Wiesner, Albert J. Czaja – 1 January 1987 – To analyze the correlations between the presence of cirrhosis and hepatocellular inflammation and the serum concentrations of the amino‐terminal peptide of procollagen type III in chronic liver disease, we measured procollagen type III concentrations in paired serum samples from 46 patients (17 had cirrhosis) with severe chronic active hepatitis during a therapeutic treatment trial.

Antibody to liver membrane antigens in chronic active hepatitis. IV. Exclusion of specific reactivity to polypeptides and glycolipids by immunoblotting

Ian H. Frazer, T. William Jordan, Elizabeth C. Collins, Paul Andrews, Ian R. Mackay – 1 January 1987 – The reactivity of sera was examined in patients with autoimmune chronic active hepatitis and other liver diseases by immunoblotting. Polypeptides and glycolipids of liver plasma membrane, liver‐specific lipoprotein and kidney membrane were separated and probed with sera from patients and from a rabbit immunized with mouse liver plasma membrane.

Changes of serum hepatitis B virus DNA in two types of clinical events preceding spontaneous hepatitis B e antigen seroconversion in chronic type B hepatitis

Yun‐Fan Liaw, Chia C. Pao, Chia‐Ming Chu, I‐Shyan Sheen, Miau‐Ju Huang – 1 January 1987 – Two types of clinical events, acute exacerbation and uneventful course, precede spontaneous HBeAg serocon‐version to its antibody (anti‐HBe) in chronic type B hepatitis. To examine the possible mechanism responsible for these two types of clinical events, serial serum specimens from 75 patients who underwent spontaneous HBeAg seroconversion were assayed for hepatitis B virus DNA by slot blot hybridization with 32P‐labeled cloned hepatitis B virus DNA as probe.

Selective hepatobiliary transport defect for organic anions and neutral steroids in mutant rats with hereditary‐conjugated hyperbilirubinemia

Peter L. M. Jansen, Geny M. M. Groothuis, Wilbert H. M. Peters, Dirk F. M. Meijer – 1 January 1987 – Mutant rats (TM rats) with abnormal hepatic excretory function were used to study biliary transport of dibromosulfophthalein, ouabain, tributylmethyl ammonium, cholate and taurocholate. In whole animals, dibromosulfophthalein and ouabain clearance is reduced to 7 and 37% of normal, respectively, due to severely impaired excretion from liver to bile. Initial uptake rates of these agents are relatively little affected.

Decreased uptake of taurocholate and ouabain by hepatocytes isolated from cirrhotic rat liver

Jürg Reichen, Catherine Hoilien, Mysan Le, Richard H. Jones – 1 January 1987 – To differentiate between the “intact” and “sick” cell hypothesis explaining decreased clearance of endo‐ and xenobiotics, we measured uptake of taurocholate and ouabain in hepatocytes isolated from cirrhotic rat liver. Cirrhosis was induced by chronic exposure of male Sprague‐Dawley rats to phenobarbital and carbon tetrachloride. Uptake of [14C]taurocholate and [3H]ouabain was measured by a rapid filtration technique.

The effect of changes in the fluid state of rat liver plasma membrane on the transport of taurocholate

Peter R. Mills, Peter J. Meier, Daniel J. Smith, Nazzareno Ballatori, James L. Boyer, Ellen R. Gordon – 1 January 1987 – The fluidity of basolateral and canalicular rat liver plasma membranes was compared with respect to their response to the membrane perturbants ethanol and calcium. The relation between membrane fluidity and taurocholate transport, a liver plasma membrane function mediated by carrier proteins, was also examined. Membrane fluidity was measured by fluorescence polarization using 1,6‐diphenyl‐1,3,5‐hexatriene as a probe.

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