1 August 1990
1 August 1990
Yun‐Fan Liaw, Dra. M. Buti – 1 August 1990
Livio Capocaccia, Oliviero Riggio – 1 August 1990 – The beneficial effect of disaccharides, lactulose and lactitol, in prevention and treatment of hepatic encephalopathy is well established but their use in combination with neomycin is still controversial. We studied in vitro the fecal bacterial growth, acid and gas formation in presence of lactitol (beta‐galactosidesorbitol) and neomycin alone or in combination. The results indicate that neomycin only inhibits the growth of susceptible bacteria (E. coli, Staph. aureus) which, conversely, are poor lactitol fermenters.
Sheri M. Krams, Judy van de Water, Ross L. Coppel, Carlos Esquivel, John Roberts, Aftab Ansari, M. Eric Gershwin – 1 August 1990 – The histological findings in patients with primary biiary cirrhosis have been well‐defined and are often used in the clinical staging of disease. However, it has only been with the development of reagents that phenotypically characterize the lymphoid infiltrate that attempts have been made to correlate pathophysiology with immune effector populations.
Derek G. Doherty, Peter T. Donaldson, David B. Whitehouse, Giorgina Mieli‐Vergani, Ann Duthie, David A. Hopkinson, Alex P. Mowat – 1 August 1990 – Chronic liver disease affects up to 20% of children with α‐antitrypsin deficiency owing to the PiZZ genotype. Previous observations of a familial occurrence and abnormal immune responses to liver antigens in these patients suggests that immunoregulatory genes may be involved in the pathogenesis of liver damage.
1 August 1990
Martin Rossle, Wolfgang Gerok, Norman D. Grace, Harold O. Conn – 1 August 1990
Romana Lenzen, Andreas Funk, Viktoria Kolb‐Bachofen, Georg Strohmeyer – 1 August 1990 – In this study we examined the effect of pharmacological doses of various α‐adrenergic agents on hepatic portal perfusion, organic anion uptake and bile secretion using the isolated perfused rat liver. Addition of norepinephrine at portal perfusate concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 100 μmol/L induced a dose‐related increase in portal pressure with a twofold increment at the highest concentration.
Diederik K. Bosman, Nicolaas E. P. Deutz, Albert A. De Graaf, Rene W. N. Vd Hulst, Hans M. H. Van Eijk, Wim M. M. J. Bovée, Martinus A. W. Maas, George G. A. Jörning, Robert A. F. M. Chamuleau – 1 August 1990 – The effects of hyperammonemia on brain function have been studied in three different experimental models in the rat: acute liver ischemia, urease‐treated animals and methionine sulfoximine–treated animals. To quantify the development of encephalopathy, clinical grading and electroencephalographic spectral analysis were used as indicators.
T. Jake Liang, Hubert E. Blum, Jack R. Wands – 1 August 1990 – We have developed a rapid method to characterize genomic diversity of low‐level hepatitis B and related viral agents after their identification in serum by high‐affinity HBsAg‐antibody monoclonal antibody capture and subsequent polymerase chain reaction amplification. Serum from an individual with chronic liver disease and without hepatitis B virus serological markers but reactive by monoclonal antibody capture/polymerase chain reaction amplification was inoculated into a chimpanzee.