Modulation of extracellular matrix proteins in rat liver during development

Shimon Reif, Victor P. Terranova, Mamdouh El‐Bendary, Emanuel Lebenthal, James K. Petell – 1 September 1990 – The expression and localization of extracellular matrix proteins in rat liver was investigated as a function of liver development. Levels of extracellular matrix proteins were measured by dot‐blot or immunoblot protocols using monospecific antibodies prepared against collagen types I, III and IV; laminin; fibronectin; and fibronectin receptor. Proline and hydroxyproline levels from extracted liver collagen were quantitated by Pico Tag analysis.

Biliary tract disease in aids: Aids vs. nonaids

Douglas Simon, Lawrence J. Brandt – 1 September 1990 – Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) was performed in twenty‐six AIDS patients to evaluate either abdominal pain suggestive of biliary tract disease, fever, serum alkaline phosphatase elevation, or a combination of these findings. Twenty patients (77%) had abnormal cholangiograms and four distinct patterns were identified: (1) papillary stenosis (n = 3); (2) sclerosing cholangitis (n = 4); (3) sclerosing cholangitis with papillary stenosis (n = 10); and (4) long extrahepatic bile duct strictures (n = 3).

Changes in serum and hepatic polyamine concentrations after 30%, 70% and 90% partial hepatectomy in rats

Gearld Y. Minuk, Tony Gauthier, Abraham Benarroch – 1 September 1990 – Polyamines have been reported to play an important role in stimulating hepatic regeneration after partial hepatectomy. To determine whether changes in systemic or hepatic polyamine concentrations correlate with the extent of the regenerative stimulus, serum and tissue putrescine, spermidine and spermine concentrations were determined in groups of adult male rats (n = 6 to 12/group) 0, 24, 48, and 72 hr after 30%, 70% or 90% partial hepatectomy.

Renal sodium retention complicating alcoholic liver disease: Relation to portosystemic shunting and liver function

William G. Rector, Frederick Lewis, Alastair D. Robertson, Gregory T. Everson – 1 September 1990 – The aim of this study was to determine whether liver function and portosystemic shunting are related to renal sodium retention in alcoholic liver disease. Twenty‐three studies were performed; 10 patients had ascites. Liver function was assessed from the plasma elimination rates of antipyrine, caffeine and stable isotopes of cholic acid, the latter administered both orally [2,2,4,4‐2H] and intravenously [24‐13C].

Adenosine partially prevents cirrhosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Rolando Hernández‐muñoz, Mauricio Díaz‐muñoz, Jorge Suárez, Victoria Chagoya de Sánchez – 1 August 1990 – Adenosine administration was tested in rats with carbon tetrachloride–induced hepatic fibrosis and was able to partially prevent the enlargement of liver and spleen induced by the toxin. This amelioration of the hepatomegaly was accompanied by a 50% reduction of the liver collagen deposition and preservation of content of glycosaminoglycans. A stimulated hepatic collagenase activity is apparently the mechanism for reduction of collagen accumulation.

Effects of putrescine on D‐galactosamine–induced acute liver failure in rats

Shuhei Nishiguchi, Tetsuo Kuroki, Tadashi Takeda, Shinya Nakajima, Susumu Shiomi, Shuichi Seki, Isao Matsui‐Yuasa, Shuzo Otani, Kenzo Kobayashi – 1 August 1990 – We studied the effects of putrescine on acute liver failure caused in rats by two injections of 1 gm/kg D‐galactosamine. The hepatic polyamine level rose only slightly in the D‐galactosamine–injected rats treated with glucagon and insulin, and [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA increased little; these hormones did not improve the survival rate.

Prevalence and prediction of osteopenia in chronic liver disease

Herbert L. Bonkovsky, Michael Hawkins, Karen Steinberg, Theodore Hersh, John T. Galambos, J. Michael Henderson, William J. Millikan, John R. Galloway – 1 August 1990 – To obtain information on the prevalence and clinical and laboratory correlates of osteopenia in patients with chronic liver disease, we measured bone densities and 30 selected laboratory variables in 133 subjects (70 men, 63 women) with liver disease.

Class I and class II major histocompatibility complex antigen expression on hepatocytes: A study in children with liver disease

Ava Lobo‐Yeo, Giorgio Senaldi, Bernard Portmann, Alex P. Mowat, Giorgina Mieli‐Vergani, Diego Vergani – 1 August 1990 – Controversy exists regarding major histocompatibility complex antigen expression on hepatocytes. In this study, hepatocyte expression of class I and II major histocompatibility complex antigens was investigated in diseased and normal livers, using indirect immunofluorescent staining of mechanically isolated, viable hepatocytes.

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