Natriuretic hormone activity in the urine of cirrhotic patients

Giorgio La Villa, Mónica Asbert, Wladimiro Jiménez, Pere Ginés, Joan Claria, Clara Lopez, Ramon Planas, Josep Llach, Joan Gaya, Francisca Rivera, Paolo Gentilini, Vicente Arroyo, Joan Rodés – 1 September 1990 – The ability of urine extracts to inhibit sodium and potassium–activated ATPase, cross‐react with antidigoxin antibodies and induce natriuresis in rats was investigated in 10 healthy subjects, 10 cirrhotic patients without ascites (compensated cirrhotics), 27 nonazotemic cirrhotic patients with ascites and 10 cirrhotic patients with ascites and functional renal failure to assess wheth

Histological features and clinical course of large regenerative nodules: Evaluation of their precancerous potentiality

Fukuo Kondo, Masaaki Ebara, Nobuyuki Sugiura, Katsunori Wada, Kazuhiko Kita, Noboru Hirooka, Yoshinobu Nagato, Yoichiro Kondo, Masao Ohto, Kunio Okuda – 1 September 1990 – Seventeen patients with cirrhosis and histologically defined, ultrasonically detected, large regenerative nodules of the liver were followed without treatment for more than 1 yr (range = 13 to 51 mo). During the follow‐up period, none of the nodules were demonstrated sonographically to have enlarged.

Identification and characterization of intrahepatic hepatitis b virus dna in hbsag‐seronegative patients with chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in Taiwan

Ming‐Yang Lai, Pei‐Jer Chen, Pei‐Ming Yang, Jin‐Chuan Sheu, Juei‐Low Sung, Ding‐Shinn Chen – 1 September 1990 – To clarify the role of hepatitis B virus infection in HBsAg‐seronegative patients with chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in Taiwan, we examined the hepatitis B virus DNA in liver biopsy tissues of 112 patients by Southern blot analysis. The patients studied included 43 patients with nonalcoholic chronic liver disease, 21 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and 48 control patients with other hepatobiiary and gastrointestinal diseases.

Hepatitis B virus replication in chinese patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Anna S. F. Lok, Oliver C. K. Ma – 1 September 1990 – We studied the frequency of hepatitis B virus replication in Chinese patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatitis B e antigen and hepatitis B virus DNA could be detected in the sera of 28% and 47% of 116 HBsAg‐positive patients, but not in the sera of 15 HBsAg‐negative patients. Replicative forms of hepatitis B virus DNA were detected in the neoplastic and nonneoplastic liver tissues from 34% and 62% of 29 HBsAg‐positive patients and 0% and 20% of five HBsAg‐negative patients by Southern blot hybridization analysis.

Mechanisms of transport of nontransferrin‐bound iron in basolateral and canalicular rat liver plasma membrane vesicles

Teresa L. Wright, John R. Lake – 1 September 1990 – Although most iron in plasma is bound to transferrin, recent evidence suggests that the nontransferrin‐bound fraction contributes to hepatic iron loading and toxicity seen in iron‐overload disorders. Our studies of isolated perfused rat liver previously demonstrated saturable uptake of nontransferrin‐bound iron that continues despite hepatic iron overload.

Desensitization of myocardial β‐adrenergic receptors in cirrhotic rats

Samuel S. Lee, Jean Marty, Jean Mantz, Emmanuel Samain, Alain Braillon, Didier Lebrec – 1 September 1990 – Cardiac responses to catecholamines are known to be attenuated in chronic liver disease. To elucidate the role of β‐adrenergic receptor alteration in this phenomenon, we measured heart rate responsiveness to isoprenaline and myocardial β‐adrenergic receptor–binding characteristics in three groups of rats: those that were sham operated, those that had portal vein stenosis and those that were cirrhotic because of bile duct ligation.

Evidence for modulation of hepatic mass by estrogens and hepatic “feminization”

David H. Van Thiel, Rudolf E. Stauber, Judith S. Gavaler, Elaine Rosenblum – 1 September 1990 – Animals with end‐to‐side portacaval shunts and sham‐operated animals, wherein the body weight and liver weight of the animals varied spontaneously over a considerable range, were studied. The relationships between hepatic androgen‐ and estrogen‐receptor content, serum testosterone and estradiol levels and hepatic mass were characterized. Animals with portacaval shunts were smaller than those without shunts. Moreover, they had reduced serum levels of testosterone and estradiol.

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