Hepatocyte plasma membrane glycosphingolipid reactive with sera from patients with autoimmune chronic active hepatitis: Its identification as sulfatide

Gotaro Toda, Yusei Ikeda, Masuo Kashiwagi, Masao Iwamori, Hiroshi Oka – 1 October 1990 – Sera from patients with autoimmune chronic active hepatitis were found to contain IgG‐class antibody to the acidic glycosphingolipid fraction from rabbit hepatocyte plasma membrane by solid‐phase enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. Using serum positive for the antibody as a probe, we isolated the target antigen by Iatrobeads column chromatography. Analysis by thinlayer chromatography and negative ion fast atombombardment mass spectrometry revealed that the antigen was sulfatide.

Diagnostic value of brush cytology in the diagnosis of bile duct carcinoma: A study in 65 patients with bile duct strictures

Mordechai Rabinovitz, Albert B. Zajko, Tarek Hassanein, Balu Shetty, Klaus M. Bron, Robert R. Schade, Judith S. Gavaler, Geoffrey Block, David H. van Thiel, Andrew Dekker – 1 October 1990 – Malignant strictures of the extrahepatic bile ducts are difficult to distinguish from benign strictures, particularly in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Effects of oxygen inhalation in ascitic cirrhotic patients: Therapeutic implications?

Jens H. Henriksen – 1 October 1990 – In patients with cirrhosis, O2 uptake, i.e., O2 consumption, is abnormally deceased. We administered 50% O2 for 30 min in eight patients with alcoholic cirrhosis to determine whether the subsequent increase in arterial O2 content may correct the low O2 consumption. In addition, we studied in these patients the reflex control of cardiac output and blood pressure by arterial baroreceptors, as O2 inhalation induces a systemic vasoconstriction.

Liver cell carcinoma with osteoclast‐like giant cells: Nonepitheliogenic giant cells in diverse malignancies

Juan Rosai – 1 October 1990 – Hepatocellular carcinoma with osteoclast‐like giant cells (hepatic giant cell carcinoma ([HGCC]) is a rare entity, with only three cases reported. The tumor is histologically similar to giant cell tumor (GCT) of bone, and the origin of the multinucleated giant cells and mononuclear stromal cells has not been determined. The purpose of this report is to present a case of this rare tumor and compare its ultrastructural and immunohistochemical features with those of a conventional GCT of bone.

Albumin absorption and protein secretion by the gallbladder in man and in the pig

Julius L. Toth, P. Robert C. Harvey, G. Aravinda Upadyha, Steven M. Strasberg – 1 October 1990 – To study albumin absorption by the gallbladder in man, an in vitro model was first established in the pig and compared with in vivo function in the same species. Water and electrolyte transport and 125I‐albumin absorption and protein secretion in vivo and in vitro were compared. Then similar in vitro studies were performed on human gallbladders obtained at surgery. The in vivo study in the pig was performed without disturbing the gallbladder except to tie a cannula in the cystic duct end.

Recombinant γ‐interferon as adjuvant to hepatitis B vaccine in hemodialysis patients

Juan Antonio Quiroga, Inmaculada Castillo, Juan Carlos Porres, Santos Casado, Federico Sáez, María Gracia Martínez, Mariano Gómez, Luis Inglada, Luis Sánchez‐Sicilia, Adela Mora, Fernando Galiana, Guillermina Barril, Vicente Carreño – 1 October 1990 – Patients undergoing long‐term hemodialysis are at high risk of acquiring hepatitis B yet tend to have poor rates of response to hepatitis B vaccine.

HBV‐DNA detection by gene amplification in acute hepatitis B

Wim G. V. Quint, Inge de Bruijn, Hans Kruining, Rudolf A. Heijtink – 1 October 1990 – Serum samples from 62 women, inadvertently infected with hepatitis B virus in an in vitro fertilization program, were tested for the presence of hepatitis B virus‐DNA using the polymerase chain reaction. Under conditions of a strict spatial separation of DNA extraction, amplification and product analysis, we succeeded in detection of as few as 360 hepatitis B virus particles per milliliter.

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