Hormonal and enzymatic parameters of hepatic regeneration in patients undergoing major liver resections

Antonio Francavilla, Carmine Panella, Lorenzo Polimeno, Antonio Giangaspero, Vincenzo Mazzaferro, Chen‐En Pan, David H. Van Thiel, Thomas E. Starzl – 1 November 1990 – Thirteen patients who underwent 40% to 80% removal of their livers had blood samples drawn initially and daily on postoperative days 1 to 7. The enzyme marker of heightened polyamine metabolism, ornithine decarboxylase, and the indicator of DNA synthesis, thymidine kinase, were measured.

Impaired lipopolysaccharide‐inducible tumor necrosis factor production in vitro by peripheral blood monocytes of patients with viral hepatitis

Christian Müller, Christoph C. Zielinski – 1 November 1990 – We investigated lipopolysaccharide‐induced tumor necrosis factor production in vitro by peripheral blood monocytes from patients with various liver diseases.

Cytokeratins for probing cell lineage relationships in developing liver

V. J. Desmet, Peter van Eyken, Raf Sciot – 1 November 1990 – Immunohistochemistry with monoclonal anti‐cytokeratin antibodies has revealed the presence of cytokeratin 19 in embryonic and early fetal hepatocytes. With the differentiation of bile ducts at about the 10th week, cytokeratin 19 disappears from liver cells but remains in bile duct cells. This marks an important step in the organogenesis of the liver.

Hepatic vascular disease and portal hypertension in polycythemia vera and agnogenic myeloid metaplasia: A clinicopathological study of 145 patients examined at autopsy

Ian R. Wanless, Powers Peterson, Asha Das, John K. Boitnott, G. William Moore, Vincent Bernier – 1 November 1990 – The pathogenesis of portal hypertension arising in patients with myeloproliferative disorders has been difficult to understand because liver biopsy findings often show minimal changes. It has been suggested that increased splenic blood flow, hepatic infiltration with hematopoietic cells or sinusoidal fibrosis may be important.

Immunization of woodchucks with recombinant hepatitis delta antigen does not protect against hepatitis delta virus infection

Peter Karayiannis, John Saldanha, John Monjardino, Robert Goldin, Janice Main, Shashi Luther, Mark Easton, Antonio Ponzetto, Howard C. Thomas – 1 November 1990 – To assess the role of immunization against hepatitis delta antigen in the prevention of hepatitis delta virus infection, woodchuck carriers of woodchuck hepatitis virus were immunized with a 64 amino acid portion of hepatitis delta antigen from its N‐terminal region. The protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and contained a major immunogenic epitope.

Fatty liver hepatitis (steatohepatitis) and obesity: An autopsy study with analysis of risk factors

Ian R. Wanless, John S. Lentz – 1 November 1990 – Steatohepatitis (fatty liver hepatitis), histologically identical to alcoholic disease, occurs in some obese patients after jejunoileal bypass. A similar lesion occurs rarely in obese patients without bypass surgery, but the risk factors are poorly understood. Hepatic steatosis, steatohepatitis and fibrosis were sought in 351 apparently nonalcoholic patients at autopsy and various risk factors were evaluated. Incidence of steatosis and steatohepatitis correlated with the degree of obesity.

Effect of chronic administration of ursodeoxycholic acid on the ileal absorption of endogenous bile acids in man

Philippe Marteau, Olivier Chazouiléres, Anne Myara, Raymond Jian, Jean‐Claude Rambaud, Raoul Poupon – 1 November 1990 – The effect of long‐term administration of ursodeoxycholic acid on the ileal absorption of endogenous bile acids was determined using the tauro 23 (75Se) selena‐25 homotaurocholic acid test in a controlled double‐blind study involving healthy subjects (n = 15). Subjects received placebo or 13 to 15 mg/kg/day ursodeoxycholic acid for 5 wk.

Involvement of tumor necrosis factor‐α in development of hepatic injury in galactosamine‐sensitized mice

Ieharu Hishinuma, Jun‐Ichi Nagakawa, Kazuo Hirota, Kaname Miyamoto, Kazuo Tsukidate, Takashi Yamanaka, Kou‐Ichi Katayama, Isao Yamatsu – 1 November 1990 – Intravenous injection of lipopolysaccharide and D‐galactosamine, at doses of 0.2 μg/kg and 800 mg/kg, respectively, elicited massive hepatic necrosis within 24 hr in C3H/HeN mice. The plasma L‐alanine aminotransferase (ALT, E.C. or L‐aspartate aminotransferase (AST, E.C. activities at this point reached more than 2,000 IU/L.

A study of the inhibition of adrenaline‐induced vasoconstriction in the isolated perfused liver of rabbit

Jiřina Martínková, Josef Bulas, Vladimír Krejčí, Miroslav Hartman, Ivan Tilšer, Petr Hůlek – 1 November 1990 – We have studied the action of a series of vasoactive and antispasmodic agents on the intrahepatic vasoconstriction induced by adrenaline in the isolated perfused liver of rabbits. The arterial and portal venous resistance, oxygen consumption, liver weight and bile flow were investigated.

Human hepatic regenerative stimulator substance: Partial purification and biological characterization of hepatic stimulator substance from human fetal liver cells

Yao Zhiqiang, Yang Weisong, Zhang Wenbin, Chen Yong, Yang Fengyi – 1 November 1990 – Current support or replacement therapies for fulminant acute hepatic failure are frequently very disappointing. In this study, human hepatic stimulator substance—a liver‐specific growth factor—was partially purified from human fetal liver cells and characterized by its biological effects. Almost 70‐fold protein content was purified with an approximately 80‐fold increase in specific growth stimulator activity.

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