Differential regulation of liver P‐450III cytochromes in choline‐deficient rats: Implications for the erythromycin breath test as a parameter of liver function

Joseph C. Kolars, Scott A. Murray, Ken M. Peters, Paul B. Watkins – 1 December 1990 – Progressive liver fibrosis in rats develops when they are fed a diet deficient in choline. This diet also results in a pronounced and selective decrease in the liver microsomal content of a phase I drug—metabolizing enzyme belonging to the cytochrome P‐450III gene family. Because P‐450III cytochromes characteristically catalyze the N‐demethylation of erythromycin, we believed that the production of breath CO2 from erythromycin would be dramatically reduced in choline‐deficient rats.

Early and frequent detection of HBxAg and/or anti‐HBx in hepatitis B virus infection

Ludmila Vitvitski‐Trépo, Alan Kay, Christian Pichoud, Philippe Chevallier, Stéphane de Dinechin, Blanche‐Marie Shamoon, Elisabeth Mandart, Christian Trépo, Francis Galibert – 1 December 1990 – To clarify the significance of the X gene of hepatitis B virus, we have tested for anti‐HBx in the serum and HBxAg in the liver at different stages of the natural history of hepatitis B virus infection. Sera were screened by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and positive results confirmed by immunoblot. Purified recombinant MS2 Pol‐HBx fusion protein was used as target for both assays.

Mechanism for binding of fatty acids to hepatocyte plasma membranes: Different interpretation

Judith Storch – 1 December 1990 – The purpose of this study was to examine the interaction between fatty acids and plasma membranes from liver cells. We were unable to reproduce the reported effect of heating on the capacity of these membranes to bind [3H]oleate (Stremmel et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1985;82:4–8). In fact, the distribution of [3H]oleate between plasma membranes and unilamellar vesicles of lipids extracted from these membranes was in favor of the lipids, indicating the absence of a detectable amount of binding to a putative fatty acid binding protein in plasma membranes.

Normalization of ventilation/perfusion relationships after liver transplantation in patients with decompensated cirrhosis: Evidence for a hepatopulmonary syndrome

Ljusk Siw Eriksson, Charlotte Söderman, Bo‐Göran Ericzon, Lennart Eleborg, John Wahren, Göran Hedenstierna – 1 December 1990 – To examine the effect of liver transplantation on the respiratory and cardiovascular functions, ventilation/perfusion relationships were determined by multiple inert gas elimination technique in six patients with end‐stage liver disease 1 to 19 mo before and 2 to 6 mo after liver transplantation. Cardiac output and pulmonary vascular pressures were measured after catheterization of the pulmonary artery.

A quantitative analysis of T lymphocyte populations in human liver allografts undergoing rejection: The use of monoclonal antibodies and double immunolabeling

Geoffrey W. McCaughan, J. Stewart Davies, Jenny A. Waugh, G. Alex Bishop, Bruce M. Hall, Neil D. Gallagher, John F. Thompson, A. G. Ross Sheil, Dorothy M. Painter – 1 December 1990 – The aim of this study was to quantitate T‐cell populations infiltrating portal tracts, bile ducts and hepatic lobules in 82 biopsy specimens from 25 patients after orthotopic liver transplantation. Biopsy specimens taken immediately after revascularization of the graft were used as controls.

Bile acids exert negative feedback control on bile acid synthesis in cultured pig hepatocytes by suppression of cholesterol 7α‐hydroxylase activity

Jaap Kwekkeboom, Hans M. G. Princen, Eline M. van Voorthuizen, Herman Jan M. Kempen – 1 November 1990 – Feedback regulation of bile acid synthesis by its end products was studied in cultured hepatocytes of young weaned pigs. We previously showed that conversion of exogenous [14C] cholesterol into bile acids was suppressed by addition of bile acids to the culture medium. In the present study, the effects of bile acids on bile acid mass production and cholesterol 7α‐hydroxylase activity were examined.

Zonal heterogeneity of the effects of chronic ethanol feeding on hepatic fatty acid metabolism

Manuel Guzman, José Castro – 1 November 1990 – Periportal and perivenous hepatocytes were isolated from rats fed a high‐fat, ethanol‐containing diet to investigate the acinar heterogeneity of the effects of prolonged ethanol administration on lipid metabolism. Chronic feeding of ethanol caused a rather selective accumulation of triacylglycerols in the perivenous zone of the liver.

Pathological observations of intrahepatic peribiliary glands in 1,000 consecutive autopsy livers. III. Survey of necroinflammation and cystic dilatation

Tadashi Terada, Yasuni Nakanuma – 1 November 1990 – Pathological changes and significance of intrahepatic peribiliary glands, hitherto poorly recognized intrahepatic elements, have been evaluated in our laboratory. In this report, we surveyed necroinflammatory and cystic changes of the peribiliary glands in 1,000 consecutive autopsy livers because these two changes coexisted frequently in the same liver. The necroinflammatory change was found in 228 livers (22.8%) and the cystic change in 202 livers (20.2%), and 103 cases showed both changes in the same liver.

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