Influence of hepatitis delta virus replication in the presence of hepatitis B virus DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Gloria Moraleda, Javier Bartolomé, Maria Gracia Martinez, Juan Carlos Porres, Vicente Carreño – 1 December 1990 – The presence of hepatitis B virus DNA was studied in peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples from 259 HBsAg carriers (229 anti‐hepatitis delta negative, 30 anti‐hepatitis delta positive), 16 anti‐HBc—positive HBsAg‐negative patients and 30 patients without hepatitis B virus markers.

Attenuation of alcohol‐induced hepatic fibrosis by polyunsaturated lecithin

Charles S. Lieber, Leonore M. Decarli, Ki M. Mak, Cho‐Il Kim, Maria A. Leo – 1 December 1990 – Characteristic features of alcoholic liver injury include fibrosis and striking membrane alterations, with associated phospholipid changes. To offset some of these abnormalities, a 10‐yr study was conducted in baboons: 12 animals (eight females, four males) were fed a liquid diet supplemented with polyunsaturated lecithin (4.1 mg/kcal) for up to 8 yr, with either ethanol (50% of total energy) or isocaloric carbohydrate.

Restoration of liver function in gunn rats without immunosuppression using transplanted microencapsulated hepatocytes

Vivek Dixit, Ruth Darvasi, Marika Arthur, Maria Brezina, Klaus Lewin, Gary Gitnick – 1 December 1990 – Microencapsulation of cells within synthetic semipermeable membranes is a novel technique that enables the transplantation of cell cultures without the need for immunosuppression. We have previously shown that transplanted isolated encapsulated hepatocytes can provide sufficient short‐term metabolic support to improve the survival of animals with galactosamine‐induced fulminant hepatic failure.

Site‐directed mutagenesis of lysine within the immunodominant autoepitope of PDC‐E2

Patrick S. C. Leung, Takashi Iwayama, Ross L. Coppel, M. Eric Gershwin – 1 December 1990 – The major autoantigens of PBC have been identified as the four closely related mitochondrial enzymes PDC‐E2, BCKD‐E2 OGDC‐E2 and protein X. A major structural similarity of these enzymes is the presence of one or more lipoyl domains. The immunodominant epitope of each autoantigen has either been postulated or been demonstrated to be located within the lipoate binding region. However, it is not clear whether the binding of lipoic acid to the epitope is necessary for autoantibody recognition.

The human hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor is a target antigen for liver‐infiltrating T cells in autoimmune chronic active hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis

Hanns Löhr, Ulrich Treichel, Thomas Poralla, Michael Manns, Karl‐Hermann Meyer Zum Büschenfelde, Bernhard Fleischer – 1 December 1990 – Autoantibodies to the human hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor have been found in nearly 50% of the sera of patients with autoimmune chronic active hepatitis and in 15% of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. In this study we demonstrate that the human hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor is also a target antigen for T cell—mediated immune responses.

Hepatitis C virus antibodies in chronic alcoholic patients: Association with severity of liver injury

Albert Parés, Josep María Barrera, Joan Caballería, Guadalupe Ercilla, Miquel Bruguera, Llorenç Caballería, Ricardo Castillo, Joan Rodés – 1 December 1990 – The prevalence of hepatitis C virus antibody and its relationship to the severity of liver disease in chronic alcoholic patients has been assessed, using a recently developed enzyme immunoassay and confirmed by a recombinant immunoblot assay, in 144 patients (mean age ± S.D. = 44.4 ± 11.3 yr) who had consumed >80 gm/day ethanol for >5 yr.

Characterization and accumulation of ferritin in hepatocyte nuclei of mice with iron overload

Andrew G. Smith, Philip Carthew, Jean E. Francis, Richard E. Edwards, David Dinsdale – 1 December 1990 – After a single subcutaneous dose of iron‐dextran (600 mg of iron/kg), iron overload developed in C57BL/10ScSn mice. At 4, 24 and 78 wk liver nonheme iron concentrations were 67‐, 42‐ and 21‐fold higher than controls, respectively. Much of the iron was in macrophages, but hepatocytes were also strongly positive for Perls' stainable iron. One feature was the development of iron‐positive nuclear inclusions in hepatocytes.

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