Quantification of hepatic iron with CT and MRI: Practical considerations

Ruben Kier – 1 December 1990 – The diagnostic efficacy of magnetic resonance (MR) and computed tomography (CT) for detection and quantification of hepatic iron was assessed in a series of patients under investigation for clinical or biochemical evidence of hepatic iron overload. Thirty patients underwent MR imaging (SE 30,60/1000 or SE 30,60/2000) at 0.5 Tesla with calculation of hepatic T2 and liver to paraspinous muscles signal intensity ratios. Twenty‐nine patients also had measurement of hepatic attenuation on noncontrast CT images.

Serial quantitative image analysis and confocal microscopy of hepatic uptake, intracellular distribution and biliary secretion of a fluorescent bile acid analog in rat hepatocyte doublets

Tsuneo Kitamura, Zenaida Gatmaitan, Irwin M. Arias – 1 December 1990 – To characterize the poorly understood mechanisms of intracellular transport of bile acids, fluorescein isothiocyanate—glycocholate was synthesized and its ring‐OH—linked structure established by fast atom bombardment, mass spectroscopy and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance.

A biphasic pattern of anti‐pre‐s responses in acute hepatitis B virus infection

Agata Budkowska, Pascal Dubreuil, Patrick Maillard, Thierry Poynard, Jacques Pillot – 1 December 1990 – The clinical relevance of the immune response to the translation products of the pre‐S1 and pre‐S2 regions of hepatitis B virus was examined by testing sequential serum samples from 17 patients with acute self‐limited hepatitis B and from two patients in whom chronic liver disease developed. Anti‐pre‐S antibodies were determined by enzyme immunoassays based on the inhibition of binding of monoclonal antibodies to epitopes in the pre‐S1 and pre‐S2 sequence.

Interferon antibodies may negate the antiviral effects of recombinant α‐interferon treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection

Anna Suk‐Fong Lok, Ching‐Lung Lai, Elsie Kit‐Yee Leung – 1 December 1990 – In a randomized controlled trial of recombinant α‐2a interferon for chronic hepatitis B, interferon antibodies developed in 21 (39%) of 54 Chinese adults who received IFN. No correlation was observed between sex, age, pretreatment serum ALT level or liver histological findings and the development of interferon antibodies. Antibodies were significantly more likely to develop in patients who received lower doses (2.5 or 5 MU/m2) of α‐2a interferon than in those who received a higher dose (10 MU/m2): 53% vs.

Splanchnic vasodilation and renal vasoconstriction: A key to the hepatorenal syndrome?

Jaime Bosch – 1 December 1990 – Systemic, femoral and renal hemodynamics were evaluated in 7 control subjects and 20 cirrhotic patients with ascites, 14 of them without (group A) and 6 with (group B) functional renal failure. Hyperdynamic systemic circulation, increased plasma volume, and hyperreninism were present in groups A and B. These changes were more severe in group B, which showed, as compared with group A, lower total vascular resistances and mean arterial pressure together with increased cardiac index and plasma renin activity.

Hepatobiliary effects of morphine are mediated in the brain

Aryeh Hurwitz, Greg Looney, Mark Sullins, Zvi Ben‐Zvi – 1 December 1990 – Morphine slows hepatobiliary elimination of sulfobromophthalein in rodents, raising dye levels in plasma and liver. Earlier studies showed these effects to be independent of other opiate effects such as bile duct spasm, hypothermia or blood gas changes resulting from respiratory depression.

Intrahepatic expression of HBcAg in chronic HBV hepatitis: Lessons from molecular biology

Chia‐Ming Chu, Yun‐Fan Liaw – 1 December 1990 – The precore and core proteins of hepatitis B virus have identical deduced amino acid sequences other than a 29‐residue amino‐terminal extension (precore region) on the precore protein. The first 19 of these residues serve as a signal sequence to direct the precore protein to the endoplasmic reticulum, where they are cleaved off with formation of precore protein derivative P22 for secretion. In this report, we show that P22 can alternatively be transported into the nucleus following signal peptide cleavage.

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