Specificity of the hepatocyte Na+ ‐dependent taurocholate transporter: Influence of side chain length and charge

William G. M. Hardison, Victor L. Heasley, Dale F. Shellhamer – 1 January 1991 – Trihydroxy bile acids with differing nonsterol chain length and charge were synthesized to define the effect of these parameters on the ability to competitively inhibit the Na+‐dependent uptake of 14C taurocholate into isolated rat hepatocytes. Compounds with long side chains (≥ 0.8 nm) beyond carbon‐17 of the sterol nucleus and carrying a negative charge or no charge were potent inhibitors. Introduction of a positive charge into the side chain weakened inhibition.

Hepatic extraction of organic anions in the rat depends on ligand hydrophobicity

Hironori Tokumo, Nankei Aoyama, Norbert Busch, Daniel J. Mancuso, R. Holzbach Thomas – 1 January 1991 – Non‐bile‐salt cholephilic organic anions are efficiently taken up by the liver. Recent work from our group has suggested the possible importance of relative hydrophobicity among various organic anions in hepatic uptake. To further validate and clarify this, we studied hepatic extraction of five different cholephilic dyes using the isolated perfused rat liver in single‐pass mode.

Antibodies in Anti‐HBe—positive patient sera bind to an HBe protein expressed on the cell surface of human hepatoma cells: Implications for virus clearance

Hans‐jürgen Schlicht, Albrecht von Brunn, Lorenz Theilmann – 1 January 1991 – The relevance of the recently described membrane‐bound form of the HBe protein for the antiviral immune response was examined. The data show that antibodies in anti‐HBe, but not in anti‐HBc—positive human sera efficiently bind to the membrane expressed HBe. No evidence was obtained that the HBc can reach the cell surface in a form that can be detected with human antibodies.

Detection of Cell‐CAM 105 in the pericanalicular domain of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane

Jeanette Mowery, Douglas C. Hixson – 1 January 1991 – Cell‐CAM 105 has been identified as a cell adhesion molecule based on the ability of anti‐cell‐CAM 105 monospecific Fab fragments to inhibit the reaggregation of rat hepatocytes. Because of its adhesive properties, it was expected that cell‐CAM 105 would be present on the lateral cell surface where adhesive interactions predominate.

Point mutation, allelic loss and increased methylation of c‐Ha‐Ras gene in human hepatocellular carcinoma

Norio Ogata, Tomoteru Kamimura, Hitoshi Asakura – 1 January 1991 – Somatic alterations of the c‐Ha‐ras gene were examined in 21 Japanese patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Restriction endonuclease analysis by double digestion with MspI and HpaII revealed that DNAs from two of 21 hepatocellular carcinoma tissues were affected by nucleotide substitution at the twelfth amino acid coding sequence of the c‐Ha‐ras gene.

Dual association of HLA DR2 and DR3 with primary sclerosing cholangitis

Peter T. Donaldson, J. Mark Farrant, Mark L. Wilkinson, Karen Hayllar, Bernard C. Portmann, Roger Williams – 1 January 1991 – Human leukocyte antigen typing was performed in 81 patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis to investigate reported associations between human leukocyte antigen type and this disease. The results showed a significant increase in the frequency of the antigens B8 and DR3 compared with controls (53% vs. 23%, p < 0.0005, and 56% vs. 21%, p < 0.0005).

Prophylactic sclerotherapy for esophageal varices: Long‐term results of a single‐center trial

David R. Triger, Howard L. Smart, Shorland W. Hosking, Alan G. Johnson – 1 January 1991 – Survival after prophylactic sclerotherapy was assessed in a single‐center study involving 99 cirrhotic (41 alcoholic) patients enrolled over 8‐yr. The wedged hepatic vein pressure gradient was measured; those with pressure ≥ 12 mm Hg were randomized to receive sclerotherapy or no treatment. The rest were not randomized. Patients in all three groups who bled were treated with emergency endoscopy and sclerotherapy. Stratification according to presence of ascites was also undertaken.

Levels of the human hepatocyte growth factor in serum of patients with various liver diseases determined by an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay

Hirohito Tsubouchi, Yoshiyuki Niitani, Shuichi Hirono, Hiroyuki Nakayama, Eiichi Gohda, Naokatu Arakaki, Osami Sakiyama, Kozo Takahashi, Masayoshi Kimoto, Shuichi Kawakami, Minami Setoguchi, Tetsuya Tachikawa, Sadahito Shin, Terukatsu Arima, Yasushi Daikuhara – 1 January 1991 – We have found a hepatotrophic factor in plasma or sera of patients with fulminant hepatic failure and have purified human hepatocyte growth factor from plasma of these patients.

Transgenic approach to hepatitis B Virus liver damage

Jorge J. Gumucio, W. Michael McDonnell, Rebecca W. Van Dyke – 1 January 1991 – This study investigates the role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of hepatic injury during hepatitis B virus infection. A transgenic mouse line containing the gene sequences for the hepatitis B virus envelope region (pre‐S1, pre‐S2, and HBs Ags) ligated to mouse albumin regulatory sequences was developed. Mice of this lineage did not contract spontaneous liver disease and were immunologically tolerant to pre‐S and HBs Ags.

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