Handbook of critical care. 3rd ed. Edited by J.L. Berk and J.E. Sampliner, 812 pp. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., Inc., 1990. $45
Raymond S. Koff, Richard G. Masson – 1 February 1991
Raymond S. Koff, Richard G. Masson – 1 February 1991
You‐Chen Chao, Chuan‐Mo Lee, Hung‐Shang Tang, Sugantha Govindarajan, Michael M. C. Lai – 1 February 1991 – The genomic RNA of an Asian isolate of hepatitis delta virus was cloned from a Chinese patient from Taiwan, using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify cDNA for cloning and sequencing. The sequence of this hepatitis delta virus isolate shares an 86% to 88% similarity with the three published hepatitis delta virus RNA sequences, suggesting heterogeneity of hepatitis delta viruses from different geographical areas. Four highly conserved, long stretches of sequence were found.
Theodorus Akerboom, Ingo Schneider, Stephan vom Dahl, Helmut Sies – 1 February 1991 – Chlorpromazine (10 μmol/L) causes a marked increase in portal pressure in perfused rat liver. Simultaneously, oxygen consumption, hepatic clearance of taurocholate and bile flow are diminished. These effects are prevented by the cyclooxygenase inhibitors indomethacin (15 μmol/L), acetylsalicylate (3 mmol/L) or ibuprofen (200 μmol/L). On addition of chlorpromazine the liver releases increased amounts of prostaglandin D2; this increase does not occur in the presence of indomethacin.
Hans P. Dienes, Georg Hess, Marita Wöorsdörfer, Siegbert Rossol, Harald Gallati, Giuliano Ramadori, Karl‐Hermann Meyer Zum Büschenfelde – 1 February 1991 – Cells expressing α‐ and γ‐interferon were localized in the liver tissue of patients with chronic hepatitis B by means of light and electron microscopy using monoclonal antibodies. Interferon‐positive cells were regularly seen in the infiltrating mononuclear cells, and the number showed a good correlation with the degree of the necroinflammatory activity of the disease.
1 February 1991
1 February 1991
Pierre‐Yves Rescan, Bruno Clement, Yoshihiko Yamada, Denise Glaise, Bartolome Segui‐Real, Christiane Guguen‐Guillouzo, André Guillouzo – 1 February 1991 – Dramatic cellular changes that occur during hepatocarcinogenesis are associated with major alterations in extracellular matrix formation and in the relationships between cells and their microenvironment.
Grete M. Kindberg, Helge Tolleshaug, Tor Gjøen, Trond Berg – 1 February 1991 – Air‐filled albumin microspheres, asialoorosomucoid and formaldehyde‐treated serum albumin are selectively taken up by endocytosis in rat liver Kupffer cells, parenchymal cells and endothelial cells, respectively. Intracellular transport and degradation of endocytosed material were studied by subcellular fractionation in sucrose and Nycodenz gradients after intravenous injection of the ligand.
Paul B. Watkins – 1 February 1991 – Patients with dihydralazine hepatotoxicity have been found to have circulating autoantibodies that react with liver microsomes (anti‐liver microsome antibodies) and that are clearly distinct from anti‐liver and kidney microsomal antibodies observed in patients with tienilic acid‐induced hepatitis and in some patients with autoimmune hepatitis. The authors show that anti‐liver microsome antibodies present in the sera of five patients with dihydralazine‐induced hepatitis specifically react on immunoblots with a 53 kD protein.