Altered density of glomerular binding sites for atrial natriuretic factor in bile duct–ligated rats with ascites

Alexander L. Gerbes, Margit C. Kollenda, Angelika M. Vollmar, JÜRg Reichen, Nimish Vakil, Robert M. Scarborough – 1 March 1991 – The renal response to atrial natriuretic factor is blunted in cirrhosis with ascites. This might be due to alterations of renal receptors for atrial natriuretic factor. Therefore density and affinity of glomerular atrial natriuretic factor binding sites of bile duct–ligated rats with ascites (n = 10) and of sham‐operated controls (n = 10) were determined.

Transcatheter oily chemoembolization in the management of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis: Results of a western comparative study in 60 patients

Denis Vetter, Jean‐Jacques Wenger, Jean‐Michel Bergier, Michel Doffoel, René Bockel – 1 March 1991 – Transcatheter oily chemoembolization is widely used as palliative therapy for inoperable hepatocellalar carcinoma in high‐incidence Asiatic areas. To assess its usefulness in the Western form of this cancer, 20 French patients were treated between 1987 and 1990 by intraarterial hepatic injection of a Lipiodoldoxorubicin emulsion followed by embolization with 0.5 to 1 mm gelatin sponge particles. The number of procedures ranged from one to five.

Trolox protects rat hepatocytes against oxyradical damage and the ischemic rat liver from reperfusion injury

Tai‐Wing Wu, Noriaki Hashimoto, Jian‐Xun Au, Jun Wu, Donald A. G. Mickle, Doug Carey – 1 March 1991 – Trolox, a hydrophilic analog of vitamin E, was reported to scavenge peroxyl radicals from artificial systems better than its parent compound. Here we examined the possible cytoprotective effect of Trolox in cultured hepatocytes and in the rat liver.

Alterations in nuclear scaffold constituents during carbon tetrachloride–induced liver regeneration

Gary A. Clawson, Kenneth R. Madsen, Lori J. Blankenship, Christine L. Hatem – 1 March 1991 – Liver regeneration was induced in rats by treatment with CCl4, which results in substantial regenerative activity with a sharp mitotic response 2 days after intoxication. Closely paralleling the mitotic index, we observed fourfold increases in nuclear scaffold nucleoside triphosphatase, an activity thought to participate in nucleocytoplasmic RNA transport and in the 46 kD putative enzyme and its selective photolabeling.

Ethanol increases the formation of NADP+ in rat hepatocytes

B. Emmanuel Akinshola, James J. Potter, Esteban Mezey – 1 March 1991 – The acute effects of ethanol on total (bound + free) pyridine dinucleotides were determined in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes. Pyridine dinucleotides and adenine nucleotides were determined by highperformance liquid chromatography. Exposure of the hepatocytes to 8 mmol/L ethanol resulted in a decrease in NAD+ and an increase in NADP+ after 2 min incubation. There were no significant changes in NADH and NADPH.

Hypothermic preservation of hepatocytes. III. Effects of resuspension media on viability after up to 7 days of storage

Diane C. Marsh, Julie A. Hjelmhaug, Paul K. Vreugdenhil, Julie A. Kerr, Mark J. Rice, Folkert O. Belzer, James H. Southard – 1 March 1991 – Hepatocyte suspensions provide a rapid method to determine how hypothermic storage affects liver cell metabolism and viability. Using these studies, improved methods of hypothermic liver preservation for transplantation may be developed. In this study, rat hepatocytes were cold‐stored for up to 7 days in University of Wisconsin liver preservation solution.

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