Incidence of parenchymal liver diseases in Denmark, 1981 to 1985: Analysis of hospitalization registry data

Thomas P. Almdal, Thorkild I. A. Sørensen – 1 April 1991 – The sex‐specific and age‐specific incidence rates of the major parenchymal liver diseases in a North European population were estimated using a computerized registry of all admissions to somatic hospitals in Denmark.

Potential importance of the sexual transmission of non‐A, non‐B hepatitis

Jorge J. Gumucio, Robert P. Perillo – 1 April 1991 – To identify previously unrecognized sources for acquiring acute hepatitis B and non‐A, non‐B (NANB) hepatitis, we interviewed patients with these types of hepatitis who were reported to two county health departments in the United States and matched control subjects for known and potential risk factors for acquiring hepatitis. Of 218 patients with hepatitis B and 140 patients with NANB hepatitis, 46% and 53%, respectively, had no commonly recognized source for infection.

More on glucose transporters: The acinar organization for hepatic glucose transport

Jorge J. Gumucio, Bahri Bilir, Jorge J. Gumucio – 1 April 1991 – The “erythroid/brain” glucose transporter (GT) isoform is expressed only in a subset of hepatocytes, those forming the first row around the terminal hepatic venules, while the “liver” GT is expressed in all hepatocytes. After 3 d of starvation, a three‐ to fourfold elevation of expression of the erythroid/brain GT mRNA and protein is detected in the liver as a whole; this correlates with the expression of this GT in more hepatocytes, those forming the first three to four rows around the hepatic venules.

Localizing glucose transport proteins: Active investigation of passive carriers

Jorge J. Gumucio, Jonathan D. Kaunitz – 1 April 1991 – The “liver” isoform of the facilitated diffusion glucose transporter is expressed predominantly in liver, intestine, kidney, and pancreatic islet α‐cells. The apparent molecular mass of the transporter in liver, kidney, and intestine is different, as detected by Western blot analysis of membrane proteins using antipeptide antibodies.

Inhibition of rat hepatic mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase–mediated acetaldehyde oxidation by trans‐4‐hydroxy‐2‐nonenal

David Y. Mitchell, Dennis R. Petersen – 1 April 1991 – The hepatic oxidation of ethanol has been demonstrated to cause peroxidation of cellular membranes, resulting in the production of aldehydes that are substrates for hepatic aldehyde dehydrogenases. It was the purpose of this study to evaluate the cooxidation of the lipid peroxidation product, trans‐4‐hydroxy‐2‐nonenal, and acetaldehyde by high‐affinity mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase, which is of prominent importance in the oxidation of ethanol‐derived acetaldehyde.

Recurrence of hepatitis C virus infection after orthotopic liver transplantation

Paul Martin, Santiago J. Muñoz, Adrian M. Di Bisceglie, Raphael Rubin, Jeanne G. Waggoner, Vincent T. Armenti, Michael J. Moritiz, Bruce E. Jarrell, Willis C. Maddrey – 1 April 1991 – Identification of the hepatitis C virus–the main cause of posttransfusion and sporadic non‐A, non‐B hepatitis–and the development of a diagnostic serological test have allowed us to study possible recurrence of this type of hepatitis after liver transplantation. Six of 34 consecutive transplant recipients were found to have had antibodies to hepatitis C before transplantation.

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